An Address to the Public, and Especially the Clergy



Verses 12-15. “One wo is past, and behold there come two woes more hereafter. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, to slay the third part of men.” APEC 115.2

One wo ended with the 5 months or 150 years, and two more were to succeed it. The second wo began when the sixth angel began to sound. The same power which had restrained the Ottomans to the work of tormenting men five months, on the sounding of the sixth angel commanded that restraint to be taken off. “Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed.” APEC 116.1

“The four angels” are the four principal nations of which the Ottoman empire is composed, located in the neighborhood of the Euphrates. They had hitherto been confined to the work of tormenting the Greeks, without politically putting them to death. But from this time they were to slay, politically kill, that nation. APEC 116.2

Accordingly, when the 150 years ended, the Turks were loosed, and the independence of the Greeks ceased, by their voluntarily acknowledging that they only existed politically by the permission of the Turkish Sultan. APEC 116.3

But the duration of their dominion over the Greek empire is limited to “an hour,” 15 days; “and a day,” one year; “and a month,” 30 years; “and a year,” 360 years; the whole amounting to 391 years and 15 days. Both periods, the 150 years, and 391 years and 15 days, are 541 years and 15 days. The first period was fulfilled, and the four angels were loosed. Hence, we may expect that when the second period closes, with it will close the reign of the Ottomans in Constantinople. If the time for commencing the periods was at the time of the first onset of the Ottomans upon the Greeks, July 27th, 1299, then the whole period will end in August, 1840. APEC 116.4

All observers of the signs of the times must acknowledge that, from present appearances in the eastern world, there is nothing improbable in the idea that the Turkish power will fall in the course of the present year. If it does, we shall be furnished with another demonstration of the fulfilment of prophetic periods, and shall be able to decide with certainty that the 9th chapter of Revelation predicts the Mohammedan government. The conclusion, also, that the sounding of the last trump is at the door, will be inevitable and irresistible to all who believe the word of God. APEC 117.1

I wish to invite the reader’s particular attention to this point. It is, on some accounts, the most important event of time predicted, and to take place in futurity. After the fall of Constantinople, or the Turkish power located there, we may not look for any very signal event to take place as an index of the coming of the Lord, until the mystery of God is finished. APEC 117.2