A Seal of the Living God



What I have stated on pages 5-9,17, 33-35,39,40, 43-45, respecting the teachings of Angels, is, I believe, in accordance with the Bible view. John’s visions seem to be more difficult to understand, especially how to discriminate between holy angels, and holy men, and in some places wicked angels. As I have before stated, “knowledge increasing,” will make this subject plain: if it is yet obscure. SLG 65.2

There are some other difficulties besides those before stated, which prevents me from believing fully with some that Angelic Angels have the charge and oversight of all the work which John saw in vision, viz: that they cry with loud voices, etc., at the time the work is to be accomplished, and that the response is made by the church on earth, and thus the prophesy is fulfilled. I certainly have no wish to believe otherwise, if this is the right view of the subject; neither do I say that it is not, and that I may not fully adopt it, (the truth is all I want,) if the difficulties that I now see shall in any way be removed. For instance, it certainly would not be difficult to believe that the ascending messenger in Revelation 7:2, was a literal angel, having the power over the four messengers, or governments on earth, and also taught the servants of God how the sealing was to be performed, if I see no other way to believe it was so. - We are taught that God restrains the powers, page 25. Again: It is very important that we should have a right understanding of every part of our work, but still, if one cannot see so clearly as another, why the messenger ascending from the east is not a literal angel, having the charge of all this work, I do not see as that will materially affect the sealing message. It is positively clear, and certain, that it is to be done by the church here, and that the word and spirit is to lead into the truth, (p.10,) and all that the angels do teach us besides, and that it will be accomplished in character with what she has already passed through in advent history as is shown in Revelation 14:6-13. SLG 65.3