A Seal of the Living God


Having a seal of the living God”. I had believed that this ascending was to have been taken in a literal sense; the sealing messengers going at first from the borders of the Atlantic (sun’s rising,) West, and North, declaring the sealing message, but God in answer to united prayer gave us the clear light upon it, through sister Ellen G. White; some of the circumstances were as follows: - A small company of brethren and sisters were assembled in meeting in Dorchester, near Boston, Mass. Before the meeting commenced, some of us were examining some of the points in the sealing message; some difference of opinion existed about the correctness of the view of the word ascending, etc., and whereas we had made the publishing of the message a subject of prayer at the Topsham Conference (Mv.) a little previous, and the way to publish appeared not sufficiently clear, we therefore resolved unitedly to refer it all to God. After some time spent in earnest prayer for light and instruction, God gave sister White the following in vision, viz: Where did the light break out? Let thine angels teach us where the light broke out! It commenced from a little, then thou didst give one light after another. The testimony and commandments are linked together, they cannot be separated; that comes first the ten commandments, by God. SLG 24.2

The commandments never would be struck against if it were not to get rid of the Sabbath commandment. That one that has relaxed it is very foolish. It was very small, and when it rose, though it rose in strength, it was weak back there, when it came up it increase, (or increased.) If they won’t hear it they are as accountable as though they did hear it. SLG 25.1

He was well pleased when his law began to come up in strength, and the waste places began to be built up. SLG 25.2

Out of weakness it has become strong from searching his word. The test upon it has been but a short time. All who are saved will be tried upon it in some way. That the truth arises and is on the increase, stronger, and stronger. It’s the seal! It’s coming up! It arises, commencing from the rising of the sun. Like the sun, first cold, grows warmer and sends its rays. SLG 25.3

When that truth arose there was but little light in it, but it has been increasing. O the power of these rays. SLG 25.4

It grows in strength, the greatest weight and light is on that truth, for it lasts forever when the bible is not needed. It arose there in the east, it began with a small light, but its beams are healing. O how mighty is that truth; it’s the highest after they enter the goodly land, but it will increase till they are made immortal. It commenced from the rising of the sun, keeps on its course like the sun, but it never sets. SLG 25.5

The angels are holding the four winds. SLG 25.6

It is God that restrains the powers. SLG 25.7

The angels have not let go, for the saints are not all sealed. SLG 25.8

The time of trouble has commenced, it is begun. The reason why the four winds have not let go, is because the saints are not all sealed. Its on the increase, and will increase more and more; the trouble will never end until the earth is rid of the wicked. SLG 25.9

At that time neighbor will be against neighbor. That time has not yet come, when brother against brother and sister against sister; but will come when Michael stands up. SLG 25.10

When Michael stands up, this trouble will be all over the earth. SLG 26.1

Why they are just ready to blow. There’s a check put on because the saints are not sealed. SLG 26.2

Yea, publish the things thou hast seen and heard, and the blessing of God will attend. Look ye! that rising is in strength, and grows brighter and brighter. That truth is the seal, that’s why it comes last. The shut door we have had. God has taught and taught, but that experience is not the seal, and that commandment that has been trodden under foot will be exalted. And when ye get that you will go through the time of trouble. SLG 26.3

Yea, all that thou art looking at, thou shalt not see just now. Be careful, let no light be set aside which comes from another way from which thou art looking for. SLG 26.4

The above was copied word for word as she spake in vision, therefore it’s unadulterated; some sentences escaped us, and some which we have not copied here. This probably is sufficient to show the answer to our prayers. SLG 26.5

Here first, we were taught to publish the sealing message and God’s blessing would follow. But be careful not to set aside any light which comes from another quarter from which we were (then) looking. SLG 26.6

2nd. That the time of trouble had commenced. SLG 26.7

3rd. That the four angels had not let go, because the saints were not all sealed. SLG 26.8

4th. That it was God which restrained the powers. SLG 26.9

5th. That the Sabbath and the shut door were the connecting truths that was now the present truth. SLG 26.10

6th. That the Sabbath is the seal, because it’s the greatest and the last truth, and continues forever. SLG 26.11

7th. That the ascending from the rising of the sun is (symbolical,) and represent the rising of the Holy Sabbath from the eastern continent (bordering on the ocean,) of these United States. It began in a little spot like the sun rising from his ocean bed, is small, and its power feeble, but increases in warmth and power, strength and majesty; transcending all other power. SLG 26.12

Its beaming rays running out to invigorate and cheer, and warm the earth, is first cold and feeble, because its rays are horizontal, but as she (apparently) ascends in the heavens, they strike obliquely, and continues on strengthening in power and effulgence until its vertical rays come directly down upon us. So with this mighty Sabbath truth, the sign between God and man, has come up once more free from sectarian shackles in Babylon since a cry at midnight; though weak at first it has been increasing through all opposition: shining in its strength and beauty, showing that it is a test by which the true children of God are to be tried, and lastly, “a seal of the living God,” to seal them in their foreheads, for the great day of God’s wrath! when he shall roar out of Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem, and shake the heavens, earth, seas, and all nations. SLG 26.13

But as this message, and its messengers will undoubtedly meet with fierce opposition: 1st, from backsliders who have once professed to keep his Holy Sabbath, but only held it in unrighteousness; and 2nd, from the no law, and no commandment professors; 3rd, from others who say the Sabbath is changed but don’t know how, nor where. SLG 27.1

As much has been said to prejudice the honest and candid enquirers after truth, against dreams and visions of these last days, I think it a proper place here to allude to some bible history, and make some passing remarks. We are commanded to try the spirits, that we may understand which is right. So also to try visions by proving all things and holding fast that which is good. The promise stands on record that there should be visions in the last days. Well, says one, we have had them and it has caused nothing but confusion and fanaticism, therefore I believe all of them to be false. I ask if there ever could be a false, unless there was a true first? how can any thing be counterfeited unless from the genuine? What is still clearer according to Peter, last day visions are to be under the influence of God’s spirit. - Acts 2:17, 18. Therefore there is to be spiritual visions from God in the last days, just as certain as there is to be signs, and who will have the hardihood to deny the repeated appearances of these. If the visions this sister has published are false, pray tell if you can, where we are to look for the true ones. Please read them over again, and see how clearly they accord with God’s word, and Second Advent history. But the great majority have no faith in visions. Then they may as well say they have no faith in the bible: for some, yea, many of the most wonderful scenes, and also promises made to the church of God have come to us through visions. Let us notice a few! SLG 27.2

Abraham in vision was promised an heir, also the land of Canaan for himself, and seed after him. - Genesis 15:1, 12-18. Jacob had his duty made known to him in vision, to remove from the land of Canaan to Egypt with all his posterity. - Genesis 46:2-7. What would have been the consequence if he had doubted? SLG 28.1

Balaam saw visions of the Almighty with his eyes open. He saw the star coming out of Jacob, and a Scepter rise out of Israel; yes, he saw the advent of Jesus. - Numbers 24:4, 17. SLG 28.2

There was a time when the word of the Lord was precious in the land, because there was no open vision. God then spake to Samuel by night. - 1 Samuel 3. SLG 28.3

Job also saw visions of God. 7:14. SLG 28.4

Solomon says where there is no vision the people perish, but he that keepeth the law happy is he.—Proverbs 29:18. Isaiah in vision had a seraphim touch his lips with hallowed fire—he saw “the land utterly desolate and men removed far away.” 6:11, 12. He also saw “a grievous vision from a terrible land,” 21: Also the “valley of vision,” undoubtedly it was the Second Advent movement since 1844, 22. Again: “the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a sealed book, therefore the wisdom of their wise men should perish, 29:11. God touched Jeremiah’s mouth with his hand and caused him to see! 1:9, 11, 13. He says their visions are vain, and from their own heart when they cry peace, which is not from the mouth of the Lord, 23:16, 17. The law is no more, her prophets also find no vision from the Lord.—Lamentations 2:9. It appears from this, when God’s law is despised and visions fail, (just as the priests and people would have it now,) then desolations sweep over the land. Ezekiel too had most wonderful visions of God, see from 1st to 12th chapter. In his 9th and 10th chapter he gives his view of this sealing message, the voice of God, (explained in 43:2nd and 3rd verses.) In the 7th: he shows us things which now appear to be transpiring, 25,27. And then like a man of God he goes abroad and declares what he saw to his people, 11:24, 25. Here is plain duty for all that have visions of God, go and do likewise. He also shows that “the law departs from the priest, for the days are at hand and the effect of every vision - “ye have seduced my people saying peace” - “because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad whom I have not made sad, and strengthened the hands of the wicked,” 13:22. Has the published visions of 1846 and ‘47 caused the wicked to triumph, and righteous to be sad? then reject them. Here is a standard by which to try them: Daniel’s visions have been written in books and drafted charts of these last days, and caused the inhabitants on both land and sea to tremble, and feel the condemning power of the living burning truths of God. - Micah shows that the sun goes down, and night comes because there is no vision: 3:6. SLG 28.5

Amos’s vision, 7: and 9: chapters, pointing us to our own experience, in this day of famine for the word of the Lord. SLG 29.1

Obadiah’s testimony is all vision: so is Naham’s. Stand out side of the cities after the twilight and you will see (just what he did in vision 2500 years ago,) the chariots with their flaming torches, running like the lightnings. Look around you throughout the land and see the fir trees (now called sycamore or buttonwood,) terribly shaken, a standing miracle for the last five years: think that this is not the day of his preparation? 2:3. SLG 29.2

Habakkuk’s vision! How strikingly clear he portrays Daniel’s vision on the charts of Habakkuk 1:8, 12, 2:2, 3. Read also what he saw about the time of trouble, and what perfect confidence God’s people would have in the terrible famine at that time, when the trees, the fields, and the stalls shall fail to yield them food, 3:16-19. See also Zachariah’s vision of the last days; God said to Hosea, “I have multiplied visions.” But let us come to the New Testament, the days of the first advent of Jesus. He “was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,” and yet God was still speaking by visions. SLG 29.3

Zachariah’s vision, Luke 1:22, taught that Jesus was about to come, by showing him that his son would prepare the way for him, and because he doubted he was struck speechless: mark this! The same angel Gabriel visits the mother of Jesus in a few months after to show the coming of the Messiah, 26-28 verses. SLG 29.4

At the close of Daniel’s wonderful prophecy of the seventy weeks, Cornelius the centurion had a vision, and was directed to send for Peter; just before the arrival of the messengers God gave Peter a vision, which brought the Jew and Gentile nations together, by giving them salvation. It seems that God repeated Peter’s vision twice; what if he had doubted? why some one else would have had the vision say you, for that prophecy was then to be fulfilled. Let us be careful how we doubt when God speaks through worms like ourselves. What think you of three fold united vision on the mount? the three witnesses viewing the miniature kingdom of the Lord Jesus.—Matthew 17:9. Now let us hear a learned man’s experience and testimony of visions! The Apostle Paul saw in vision a man coming to open his eyes.—Acts 9:12-21. He also has a vision at Troas to go to Macedonia, 16:9. He has another at Corinth, 18:9. But the most wonderful of all was when he was caught up to the third heavens, up into Paradise; here he saw in vision things too wonderful to be uttered! this and the seven thunders which John heard, were too wonderful to be told. SLG 30.1

And now to close up the book of God, we come to the book of Revelations containing twenty-two chapters of visions; a testimony to the seven different states of the churches from A. D. 96 to the present day; seventeen hundred and fifty-three years duration; with the blessing of God promised to all his servants who read and hear, and keep the sayings of this book; and a curse of eternal destruction to any one who shall add, or diminish from this book. In this book too, let us remember, is given the sealing message. And lastly let us unite Peter’s testimony at the days of Pentecost! “And it shall come to pass in the last days, (saith God,) I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire and vapor of smoke.” Acts 2:17, 19. Just read the foregoing testimonies of Prophets and Apostles and say, will God’s word fail us here? Did not these prophets and apostles testify in vision by the inspiration of his spirit? Yes. SLG 30.2

Will it not be manifest in the same way in the last days? yes. Is there any proof that the last days are past? no. Have any of the signs connected with the promised dreams and visions of the last days been seen yet? Why, to be sure they have; the daily and weekly papers have been teeming with them the last five years, besides the many books which have been published, and lectures given to prove that the earth is full of them. And the wonders of blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke, is repeated sometimes twice a week. Well, I am glad you have acknowledged so much. Now why not believe the visions connected with these signs, unless you can absolutely prove that they are not of God. Is faith made perfect by believing a part of God’s testimony, and doubting some parts connected with it? certainly not. O but says one, we have had so many false visions. Well, that is no proof that God’s word will fail and leave us without any true ones. I was once slow to believe that this sister’s visions were of God. I did not oppose them, for the word of the Lord is positively clear that the spiritual visions will be given to his people in the last days. More than two years are now past since I proved them true. Therefore I profess myself a firm believer in her visions so far as I have witnessed, and I have seen her have many. In every instance they have been in accordance with God’s word: setting the promises of God, and the closing scenes around us in harmonious, scriptural order, leaving the hearers the privilege of searching the scriptures for the proof, and also in rebuking sins of omission and commission, without partiality to friend or foe, always causing the hearts of the righteous to rejoice, and the wicked to tremble: exactly the reverse of what God taught Ezekiel was false visions, viz: seducing his people with vain visions, by divining lies, making the hearts of the righteous sad, whom he had not made sad, and strengthening the hands of the wicked. 13:7-10, 22, 23. This I believe she has never been guilty of. I believe there are those who are counterfeiting this holy work of God: better for them that they had never been born. SLG 31.1

I fully believe in addition to this, that God is now giving dreams and vision to his scattered children in many places, to prepare them for the coming scenes of this last coming conflict, the slaves of our own land, especially. I envy not the professor who is constantly looking up passages to make void the plain word of God. - “Man is to live by every word of God.” SLG 31.2

As this sister is not known by many who read her visions and may read this Sealing Message, I have without her knowledge given the foregoing arguments and statements, to satisfy my readers respecting the truth of this recorded vision; and especially to give God the glory for all the light he gave us on that memorable occasion; to him be all the praise. Her privations are many, and her trials severe: she seems to be aware of the necessity of these to keep her from being “exalted above measure;” and fully sensible that she, like all others, must watch and pray and be sober, enduring to the end, to be saved. SLG 32.1

One thing more! in a vision in meeting the day before, November 18th, she says: who has relaxed that fourth commandment? O thou foolish man! thou shalt feel the weight of this commandment when you cannot keep it. That charge shall be held up to thee in the day of judgment, and you will feel it more. SLG 32.2

O, thou wilt wish that those words had never passed thy lips. SLG 32.3

Stand out from him entirely. SLG 32.4

When she came out of vision, she said: SLG 32.5

I saw that he rolled, and turned on his bed, to see how he could get round this law of God. SLG 32.6

I saw that he would feel the weight and force of it when he could not keep it. SLG 32.7

I saw he did things on the Sabbath, and wished to justify himself. Who was this you saw? answer: J. B. Cook. “For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that shall not be known.” - Luke 12:2. For further information see Advent Harbinger Sept.30th - Nov. 11th, 1848. SLG 32.8

“And he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers to whom it was given to injure the earth and sea”. Who cries with a loud voice? answer: the messengers which give the sealing message. Who do they cry to? answer: the four messenger governments on the four quarters of the earth. SLG 32.9

Explanation! These four, and one messenger, can be explained only in one of two ways. They must all be either literal angels or literal men. We have already given several reasons on 5-8 pages why they are not literal angels, or angelic beings. SLG 33.1

We will try to show further that they are literal men and women doing the work of God amongst their fellow men, in like manner as has been done since the general going forth of advent messengers from 1841. Now for that prophecy and history! see Revelation 14:6-12. “And I saw another angel (or messenger,) flying through the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people, saying fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come, and worship him that made heaven, and the earth and sea, and the fountains of waters, “6th and 7th verses. SLG 33.2

I believe it is not denied by any adventist that this was their work from 1841, ‘44. Well, was this the work of an invisible angel crying with a loud voice to men, and preaching the gospel to them? No one can make it so appear. Angelic angels do not cry with loud voices to men; neither can it be shown from the bible or history that they preach the gospel to men. How shall we understand it then? Answer: just as you see yourself and others doing that very identical work, if it will make the subject any clearer to believe that invisible angels give the cry first, and we have responded, I object not, but confess that I cannot so see it. William Miller was the leading man, and all who preached the same doctrine and from the same chronological charts, was of the same faith, or oneness of the message. Therefore it was represented as an angel message. We all know that there were hundreds engaged in this message; so the same with the other angel that followed, saying Babylon is fallen, 8th verse; and again with the third angel following them, saying, with a loud voice, etc., 9th verse, who does not know that these were men. But how did they preach that message? did they go on to state in preaching this gospel that we must “fear God and give glory to him and worship him that made heaven and earth, and the sea and the fountains of waters?” no: I do not believe that an advent congregation ever listened to a full exposition of this 7th verse. What then? Answer: the character of the message. Why, this 14: chapter was never made the subject of a discourse that I knew of, until the second messenger’s cry that Babylon had fallen; and even then it was not understood: and yet it was the right message as we now know. - True William Miller lectured from this chapter and taught that it brought to view the great harvest of the world, see his life and views, page 132. He does not even allude to our history as it was. Why! we called it the midnight cry, the second coming of Christ, the prophetic prophecy, or visions of Daniel and John, and said the Lord Jesus was coming in 1843 and ‘44. We did fear God and give glory to him, and the way we learnt it was by following the character of the message; so we answer, we do in crying to the four messengers. Our judgment hour cry message was, to preach it to every nation. I ask how this was done? why by sending publications to every missionary station. We proved that was preaching it to foreign nations, except England and perhaps a few other nations in Europe. Now as this was the way that we have given the character of the message to every nation in ‘43 and ‘44, so we believe it may be here in the 7: chapter. Again, it is positively certain that these were men and not an angel doing the first three years work at the hour (or period) of his judgment; how can it be proved that we are changed to angelic beings to finish the rest of our work before the resurrection. Go to the 14: chapter again, see there are some of the very identical persons that was doing the work in the other messages, now “keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” These and no others are the sealing messengers. God will not permit any one to use his seal that doubts whether he has one or no, so it is clear that none but Sabbath believers and keepers can have a part or lot in this matter. SLG 33.3

I say therefore, unless it can be clearly proved that the five messengers in 7:1,2, are angelic beings, then I have here the right exposition. If all other difficulties which I have mentioned could be removed, and that would be exceedingly difficult, yet cannot this, unless we yield our history, and if we do that we shall fail to find where the sealing messengers come from. Further, we do not certainly know that this message will not go to these three nations. The United States certainly will have it. England and Russia both have colonies on this continent. France is but twenty-one miles from Great Britain. This is in the future, and can all, for what I see, be fulfilled. SLG 34.1

ANGELIC ANGELS instruct men in three ways. 1st, visibly and personally, as in the case of Abraham, Lot and Jacob.—Genesis 18:19 and 32. In dreams and visions of night or day, as Joseph, Peter and John 3rd. Angel Gabriel in special cases to Daniel, Zacharias and Mary, respecting his visit to the Prince of Persia.—Daniel 10:13, 20, it is an isolated case to a wicked man, and certainly is no proof of a fourth manner of instruction “to those who shall be heirs of salvation.” We certainly have had no instruction like the above (bible rule) to teach us our duty in the three messages (thus far) in Revelation 14:6-132, since 1841. If invisible angels have, and do now teach us our duty except by dreams and visions, I cannot see it; neither can I see how it is possible to explain our duty by representing the angels as invisible ones. They must be men here, and so in like manner the 7th chapter must be explained. Paul says that all inspired scripture is to perfect the man of God and thoroughly fit him for every good work. Jesus says, “the spirit of truth will conduct into all truth. Angels come to instruct, and strengthen in special cases. SLG 35.1

Loud voice: Invisible angels or messengers do not cry with loud voices to men. Therefore it must mean the voices of men, or messengers here, see 3rd verse, till WE have sealed, etc., showing that the sealing message is not given by one messenger alone. SLG 35.2

3rd verse, “Saying, injure not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till WE have sealed the SERVANTS of our God on their foreheads”. SLG 35.3