The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1


XV. Full-rounded Prophetic Foundation Summarized

Summarizing the teachings of the apostolic age, we find these composite facts and principles: PFF1 164.1

1. The year-day principle is certified by the fulfillment of the seventy weeks. PFF1 164.2

2. The crucifixion, the resurrection, and Pentecost fulfill the prophetic types and times. PFF1 164.3

3. Rome is the fourth empire in the prophetic line of world powers. PFF1 164.4

4. Christ’s outline prophecy spans the entire Christian Era. PFF1 164.5

5. The abomination of desolation is identified as the Roman army. PFF1 164.6

6. Jerusalem’s imminent destruction by the Romans is prophesied. PFF1 164.7

7. God’s appointed “times and seasons” are repeatedly mentioned. PFF1 164.8

8. The Roman Empire restrains the coming of the ecclesiastical “falling away.” PFF1 164.9

9. The period of greatest persecution follows the destruction of the restraining Roman Empire. PFF1 164.10

10. Celestial signs, as precursors of the second advent, are specified. PFF1 164.11

11. Social, political, religious, and economic signs are outlined. PFF1 164.12

12. The second advent is the climax of the prophetic outlines. PFF1 164.13

13. The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom is followed by the end of the gospel age. PFF1 164.14

14. Prophecy embraces prophetic promises, parables, types, and symbols. PFF1 165.1

15. Babylon is identified as Rome. PFF1 165.2

16. Antichrist’s coming is awaited. PFF1 165.3

17. John’s outline prophecies parallel Daniel’s outlines, only now from Rome onward. PFF1 165.4

18. Paul’s Man of Sin and John’s Beast parallel Daniel’s Little Horn. PFF1 165.5

19. The millennium is introduced by the second advent, and bounded by the two resurrections. PFF1 165.6

20. The kingdom of God is to be established by the second advent. PFF1 165.7

21. The new earth follows the close of the reign of sin. PFF1 165.8

Such is the magnificent prophetic foundation laid for the early church by Christ and the apostles. So clear, so strong, were these teachings on prophecy that, despite later developments, the early prophetic interpretation persisted, as will be seen, for centuries—until, and into, the period of the division of Rome by the barbarian tribes. And so widely were these New Testament prophecies propagated in language and geographical distribution in Christian writings that they soon extended from Africa in the South, northward to Britain, and from Gaul in the West across Europe, eastward to Asia Minor, and into Syria and Persia. And the priceless records of these teachings are left for us in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Ethiopic, and Hebrew, as succeeding chapters will indicate. PFF1 165.9

After the introductory chapters (1-4), which give the setting of the great books of Biblical prophecy, we have paused, before entering upon the survey of men’s interpretations of these prophecies, to summarize (in chapters 5 and 6) the contents of the prophecies themselves—the Scriptural source of the later interpretations, And now that we have looked at the foundations—the inspired teachings of the Bible writers and of Christ Himself—we turn in the next chapter to the development of prophetic exposition, beginning with the earliest surviving pre-Christian Jewish inter pretations of the Old Testament prophecies. These are the at tempts of men to understand and expound the prophecies of God, to interpret their symbolism, for prophecy was recognized as the divine depiction of things to come, the larger outline of things to be. PFF1 165.10