The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1

Periodicals And Other Serials

Bright, John. “A New Letter in Aramaic, Written to a Pharaoh of Egypt,” The Biblical Archaeologist, May, 1949 (vol. 12, no. 2), pp. 46-52. See p. 60. PFF1 985.16

Brooks, Joshua W. Editorial in The Investigator, or Monthly Expositor and Register, on Prophecy, July, 1832 (vol. 1, no. 12), p. 441. See p. 176. PFF1 985.17

Brownlee, William H. “Further Light on Habakkuk,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, April, 1949 (no. 114), pp. 9, 10. See p. 62. PFF1 985.18

Burr, George Lincoln. “The Year 1000 and the Antecedents of the Crusades,” The American Historical Review, April, 1911 (vol. 6, no. 3), pp. 429-439 See pp. 589, 590. PFF1 985.19

Burrows, Millar. “The Newly Discovered Jerusalem Scrolls: The Contents and Significance of the Manuscripts,” The Biblical Archaeologist, September 1948 (vol. 11, no. 3), pp. 57-61. See p. 59. PFF1 985.20

Fallaw, Wesner. “Atomic Apocalypse,” The Christian Century, Sept. 25, 1946 (vol. 63, no. 39), pp. 1146-1148. See p. 163. PFF1 986.1

Friderich, Karl. “Friderichs Kritische Untersuchung der dem Abt Joachim von Floris zugeschriebenen Commentare zu Jesajas und Jeremias” (presented by D. Baur), Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Theologie (Jena), vol. 2 (1859), pp. 349-363, 449-514. See pp. 726-728. PFF1 986.2

Harding, G. Lankester. “The Dead Sea Scrolls,” Illustrated London News, October 1, 1949, p. 493. See p. 62. PFF1 986.3

Haverfield, F. “Early British Christianity,” The English Historical Review, July, 1896 (vol. 11, no. 43), pp. 417-430. See p. 605. PFF1 986.4

Him, Josef. “Erzbischof Eberhards II. von Sal/burg Beziehungen zu Kirche und Reich,” Jahresbericht des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums in Krems am Schlusse des Schuljahres 1875, part 1. See p. 797. PFF1 986.5

Hirsch[-Reich], Beatrix. “Zur ‘Noticia saeculi’ und zum ‘Pavo.’ Mit einem Exkurs über die Verbreitung des pseudojoachimitischen Büchleins ‘De semine scripturarum,’” Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Österreichische Geschichts-forschung (Innsbruck), vol. 38 (1920), pp. 579 ff. See p. 717. PFF1 986.6

Horn, Siegfried H. “The Aramaic Problem of the Book of Daniel,” The Ministry, May, June, July, 1950 (vol. 23, nos. 5-7). See p. 62. PFF1 986.7

La Piana, George. “Joachim of Flora: A Critical Survey,” Speculum, April, 1932 (vol. 7, no. 2), pp. 257-282. See pp. 686, 687, 689, 690, 693, 698, 699. PFF1 986.8

Maycock, A. L. “Bede and Alcuin,” Hibbert Journal, April, 1935 (vol. 33, no. 3), pp. 402-412. See p. 611. PFF1 986.9

Neuffer, Julia. “How Long Is ‘Three Days’?” The Ministry, vol. 22 (1949), January, pp. 9, 10, February, pp. 37-40, March, pp. 34-36. See p. 917. PFF1 986.10

Neugebauer, Paul V., and Ernst F. Weidner. “Ein astronomischer Beobachtungs-text aus dem 37. Jahre Nebukadnezars II. (-567/66),” Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Königl. Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Klasse, May, 1915 (vol. 67, part 2), pp. 29-89. See p. 915. PFF1 986.11

Preger, Wilhelm. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Waldesier im Mittelalter,” Ab-handlungen der historischen Classe der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich), vol. 13, part 1 (1875), pp. 179-250. [Vol. 47 of the main series.] See pp. 831, 870, 952. PFF1 986.12

___, editor. “Der Tractat des David von Augsburg über der Waldesier,” Abhandlungen der historischen Classe der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich), vol. 14, part 2 (1878), pp. 181-235. [Vol. 51 of the main series.] See pp. 835, 860, 869, 940, 944, 947, 949-951. PFF1 986.13

Sellers, O. R. Letter to the editor, quoted in “Archaeological News and Views,” The Biblical Archaeologist, May, 1949 (vol. 12, no. 2), pp. 32-36. See p. 61. PFF1 986.14

Thiele, Edwin R. “The Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, July, 1944 (vol. 3, no. 3), pp. 137-186. See p. 917. PFF1 986.15

___. “Solving the Problems of Daniel 1,” The Ministry, vol. 14 (1941), August, pp. 7, 8, 47, September, p. 18. See p. 917. PFF1 986.16

Vedder, Henry C. “Origin and Early Teachings of the Waldenses, According to Roman Catholic Writers of the Thirteenth Century,” The American Journal of Theology, July, 1900 (vol. 4, no. 3), pp. 465-489. See pp. 831, 947, 948. PFF1 986.17

Wilhelm, Franz. “Zu Jordanus von Osnabrück,” Mittheilungen des Instituts für Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung (Innsbruck), vol. 24, part 3 (1903), pp. 353-368. See p. 718. PFF1 986.18

Wood, Lynn H. “The Kahun Papyrus and the Date of the Twelfth Dynasty (With a Chart),” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, October, 1945 (no. 99), pp. 5-9. See p. 236. PFF1 987.1

W[right], G. E[rnest]. “Archaeological News and Views,” The Biblical Archaeologist, vol. 12 (1949), May, pp. 32-36, September, pp. 64-68. See pp. 58, 59, 61, 62. PFF1 987.2

___. “A Phenomenal Discovery,” The Biblical Archaeologist, May, 1948 (vol. 11, no. 2), pp. 21-23. See p. 58. PFF1 987.3