The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1


V. The Character of the Book of Daniel


The series of prophecies in the book of Daniel differs from the inspired predictions of the prophets of earlier times, which were more often like isolated glimpses of single events to come, not progressive pictures, with motion and sound. The time of their fulfillment was not always located; the picture often had no identifying caption. One isolated flash picture might refer to the first advent of Jesus, with key events of His earthly life or death disclosed. Another, in close proximity, might concern His second coming in power and glory at the end of the age. The location had often to be determined later by New Testament usage or by context, such as the scattered prophecies of Christ’s second advent. There was no grand outline, with events in sequence and historical perspective. Few clear connectives were revealed. There was little descriptive relationship of part to part. PFF1 53.1

But for the first time Daniel covers the divine plan of the ages in long—range prophetic outline, reaching from his day onward until the great consummation, and forming a matchless preview of things to come—God’s advance epitome of history. His forecasts disclosed the sequence of empire—major epochs that would develop in the rise of nations, in connection with the conflicts and departures of the church, the afflictions of the people of God, the church’s restoration to purity, and the consummation of all things. Not only that, but the major outline was repeated several times over, to bring out this aspect or that, and to emphasize various factors in the over—all picture. These may well be called outline prophecies. PFF1 53.2

The two great focal points of prophecy, and consequently of all history, are the first advent of Christ, some nineteen centuries ago, and His second coming in glory and majesty at the last day. Around these nearly all the major prophecies cluster. PFF1 54.1


There are three basic characteristics of Daniel’s multiple prophecy that emerge as increasingly apparent under study of the book, and which we do well to bear in mind. These are: PFF1 54.2

(1) Its Continuity.—Its prophecies extend from Daniel’s own day until the—end of time, or end of the world or age, and the subsequent setting up of God’s everlasting kingdom that supersedes all human kingdoms and provides for His people forever. There is no indicated break or gap in the line. PFF1 54.3

(2) Its Comprehensiveness.—It gives a view of the basic history, from the divine viewpoint, of the sequence of nations, as they affect the people of God, or His church, in relation to the developing conflict between Christ and Antichrist, and the final establishment of the eternal kingdom of Christ on earth. PFF1 54.4

(3) Its Repetition.—It goes back and covers the same grand outline four, successive times—(in chapters 2, 7, 8, 11), from Daniel’s day to the end, repeating for emphasis and amplification the same great way marks on the highway of the centuries, to bring out first one aspect and then another. Through the continuous course of human events it shows the hand of God in history, that man at all times might recognize his place in the divine plan of the ages, and understand the major coming events in the outline. Such is the threefold characteristic of Daniel. PFF1 54.5