The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1


V. Summary of Prophetic Understanding in Martyr Period

1. Rome the fourth of the four world powers, the restraining power retarding the coming of Antichrist. PFF1 347.3

2. Rome to be divided into ten kingdoms in the not distant future. PFF1 347.4

3. Antichrist to spring from among the ten—likewise still future. PFF1 348.1

4. Daniel’s ten-horned fourth beast the same as the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13. PFF1 348.2

5. Daniel’s Little Horn, Paul’s Man of Sin, and John’s Antichrist and Beast symbolizing one and the same power. PFF1 348.3

6. The church fleeing into the wilderness during Antichrist’s rule. PFF1 348.4

7. The seventy weeks of years connected with Christ’s first advent. PFF1 348.5

8. The year-day principle not yet applied to the longer prophetic periods. PFF1 348.6

9. The second advent as personal, literal, and premillennial, to end the career of Antichrist. PFF1 348.7

10. The two resurrections literal—the first at the second advent; the second at the close of the thousand years. PFF1 348.8

11. The thousand years introduced by the advent and bounded by the two resurrections. PFF1 348.9

12. The righteous to rule in the new heavens and new earth through the eternal ages, following the thousand years.68 Such was the composite picture of the prophetic beliefs of that early period. PFF1 348.10