The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT: Occult Forces of East Join Those of West

I. “East’s” Crucial Part in Earth’s Final Deception

Isaiah’s intriguing expression “replenished from the east” (Isaiah 2:6), with its related “soothsayers” involvement, assumes new significance in the light of predicted developments to come during the latter period of Spiritualism’s modern revival. Among the climactic “last times” developments in coming events, as foretold in the New Testament, will be the appearance of deceptive forces from the “east,” according to Revelation 16:12. This is in immediate connection with the sinister emergence of the “unclean spirits” of verse 13—these coming from three all-embracing categories: (1) a resurgent paganism, (2) a world-influencing Papacy, and (3) the growing apostasy in Protestantism. According to the inspired outline of Bible prophecy, the “east” is destined to play a definite part in Spiritualism’s unprecedented eruption and final deceptions. CFF2 1198.1


One of the most daring, grandiose, and blasphemous aspects of Spiritualism’s last-day schemes will evidently be an imposing attempt to impersonate the second coming of Christ in simulated grandeur. With that in mind, let us turn briefly to India and the East. Jesus has long been set forth, and personated, as one of the great Avatars 1 of India-an incarnation, embodiment, epiphany, or exaltation-repeatedly manifesting himself, allegedly, among the masters of the East. CFF2 1198.2

In 1894 BAIRD T. SPALDING, 2 an American research engineer, began a series of journeys, he states, seeking to trace the “Great Masters of Himalayas”—the Avatars of India and Tibet. This quest he has left on record in his five-volume Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (1937) 3 In the three-and-a-half-year period of his reported travels he recorded five alleged messages that a materialized “Jesus” gave as one of the mystic Avatars, designed to impress the American traveler. 5 These Avatars assertedly appear and disappear at will, and travel invisibly and instantaneously, and this included “Jesus.” His alleged words are recorded. But their subtlety and speciousness become increasingly apparent under scrutiny. CFF2 1199.1


All through Spalding’s volumes the devil’s twin lies of Eden are affirmed in varying forms-(1) “Ye shall be as gods,” and (2) “Ye shall never die” (Genesis 3:4, 5). These paralleling and related concepts are stressed again and again. 7 There can be no mistake as to the intent of these multiple assertions. From previous discussions it is obvious that the spirit being calling himself “Jesus,” and whom the Masters of the East are fellowshiping with and following, is a fraud and a deceiver. CFF2 1199.2

The Eastern Vedantic (Hindu) philosophy, with its postulate of the transmigration of souls and its pantheism, holds that the spirits of the dead-including the Avatars, born hundreds of years prior-pervade all things. Numerous references put forth the contention that “ye are gods.” And similarly, the thesis of Innate Immortality is stressed by a succession of unequivocal declarations. 8 For example, Spalding speaks of “the Central Spark which is God in us all,” 9 and how all contain “the one life, the life of God.” 10 CFF2 1200.1


This survey of Spalding’s portrayals is germane to our quest both because of its Eastern aspect and involvements and because of its undeniable relevance to the basic positions of Spiritualism. As just noted, both emphasize the alleged “deity” of man and the Innate Immortality of the soul. Both teach the ability of the subject to appear and disappear, to materialize and dissolve from view, the latter with special emphasis on the Avatars, and with “Jesus” placed in that category. Both discard the supreme and final authority of the Bible, with Spalding commending the Buddhist Sacred Books as superior for the East. CFF2 1200.2

Again, both extol Christ-the Spiritualists regarding Him as an outstanding “Medium,” Spalding setting Him forth as a great Avatar, who has periodically appeared in India and expatiated on various subjects. Spalding, however, goes further, and boldly asserts the postulate of pre-existence and reincarnation. And the Avatar contention prepares the way for an expectation of Christ’s spectacular return, but in a false and deceptive form, thus beguiling and misleading all who accept his artifice. Here are a few specifics. Spalding says: CFF2 1200.3

“The ten commandments are not the objectified law of God at all.” 11 CFF2 1200.4

The Trinity is depreciated, 12 as well as the virgin birth of Christ. CFF2 1201.1

The Buddhist scriptures and the Bible are both considered as guides, but with a disparagement of the Bible not leveled against the other. The authority of the Bible is disposed of by declaring, “There are many mistakes in translation... as well as many false prophecies.” 13 Further: “Our [Western] Bible is of greater importance to the Western World for we do not understand the Bhagavad Gita,” which is “best” for “the East.” 14 CFF2 1201.2

And this telltale statement:
“The translation of the Bible is in error where it says that man was created in the image of God. The ‘in’ should be left out so that it reads, ‘Man IS the image of God.’” 15
CFF2 1201.3

The deity of man and his immortality are outspoken basic tenets. CFF2 1201.4


Moreover, Pantheism is boldly asserted. Note it:
“You cannot make any differentiation between the individual soul and the Universal Soul, or the Over-Soul.” 16
CFF2 1201.5

“He will know that God dwells within him, and not only within him, but in everything about him, every rock, every tree, every plant, every flower and every created thing; that God is in the very air he breathes, the water he drinks, the money he spends; that God is the substance of all things. When he breathes, he breathes God as much as he does air; when he partakes of food, he partakes of God as much as he does of food.” 17 CFF2 1201.6

“God is all life. I am inspired with life with every breath, and my lungs take in life with every breath, and it fills my blood stream with vitalizing life.” 18 CFF2 1201.7

Spalding refers to God as “Universal Force,” or the primal “Universal Energy,” and says, “This Divine Principle has residence within and permeates everything.”. 19 It is “permanent, everlasting, all-encompassing.” That “energy” is called “God.” 20 CFF2 1201.8

“God is the principle by which we abide.” 21 CFF2 1202.1

Further, the Avatar “merely lives close to Principle.” 22 CFF2 1202.2

“God is that Supreme Intelligent Power that permeates every form and every atom of the whole universe.” 23 CFF2 1202.3


Reincarnation is likewise explicitly taught-that men “‘go out and return through birth into life,... then through death again and again, until the lesson is finally learned.’” 24 Again: CFF2 1202.4

“‘Reincarnation is but a guiding light on the blind trail of death. When this light leads, death may be overcome through round after round of earthly experience;.’” 25 CFF2 1202.5

Before continuing let us probe a bit into the real significance of reincarnationism. CFF2 1202.6


The doctrine of reincarnation is so vital in this survey of Eastern occultism and its penetrations into Western thought that an understanding of its origins, involvements, and historical ramifications is essential. It presupposes the immortality of the soul, and goes back to remote antiquity. It teaches that souls migrate from one body to another until complete purification has been achieved. It is fundamental in accepted Hindu thought, being held both in Brahmanism and Buddhism. CFF2 1202.7

Coupled with the Law of Karma, it teaches that each new birth is determined by the deeds of the previous life. It involves belief that souls emanate from the Supreme Spirit, and are then born on earth as separate existences. The soul thus separated from the real source of its life is bound to return to it and become merged again into that divine entity with which it was originally one. But, having become contaminated by sin, it must strive to free itself from guilt and become fit for its heavenly career. CFF2 1202.8

The doctrine of reincarnation and transmigration of souls was also found in Egypt as well as in Persia before the time of Zoroaster. But it was derived from Indian sources. In Greece the belief was confined to the philosophers, who likewise received it from Egypt, and thence from India. Pherecydes so held. But it was developed by Pythagoras and Plato, at which time it had a remedial function. And the Neoplatonists adopted it as a natural inheritance. In the Christian Era, Origen held to the pre-existence of the soul. It was accepted by some of the Gnostics and Manichaeans. It was also found in certain obscure sects in Europe during the Middle Ages. It likewise survives among various savage tribes in Africa. But India was its spawning ground. And, as here noted, it has been brought sharply to the fore in the West by Spiritualism and Theosophy. Such is the historical sweep of the doctrine. It is thus traceable back to the old original lie in Eden. CFF2 1202.9


When we reach the consciousness of the “Seventh Heaven,” it is held, we “‘take on immortality; where we know that man is immortal, sinless, deathless, unchangeable, eternal, just as God is and as God sees man.’” 26 That, says Spalding, is “the way to Eternal Life.” 27 “‘To such a race, death does not exist nor can it again exist.’” 28 CFF2 1203.1


Spalding unabashedly places Buddha and Jesus together as Avatars, or Masters of the East, with Jesus exalted slightly. Jesus is declared to be in no different “category than ourselves”—“He is no different. He never claimed to be.” 29 And Buddha is alleged to be “the Way to Enlightment,” while “Christ IS Enlightment.” 30 Spalding denies that Christ suffered physically on the cross. 32 And he claims that “the teachings of Osiris, Buddha, and Jesus” have “many similarities.” He asserts, “Christ is God flowing through the individual.” CFF2 1203.2

Spalding constantly says we are to apply to ourselves the term “I AM,” descriptive of Deity, and commonly employed by Jesus in reference to Himself-I AM the way, the truth, the life, the door, the shepherd. CFF2 1203.3

This much must be said: The vacuous inanities allegedly uttered by Spalding’s “Christ” are puerile, degrading, and misleading. They are as darkness in contrast with dazzling light when placed alongside our Saviour’s words enshrined in the New Testament. Such is the essence of Spalding’s investigation of the concepts and contemplations of the East with reference to immortality, the deity of man, the pantheistic notion of God, the claim of reincarnation, and the derogation of Christ-and expectation of a future appearance. It is the Eastern counterpart of Western Spiritualism. So, while East is East and West is West, they clasp hands across the undeniable basic tenets of Spiritualism. CFF2 1204.1


Let none be deceived. The New Testament is explicit and detailed. The second advent of Christ will be with transcendent power and great glory (Matthew 24:30, 31; Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 21:27). Christ will descend visibly from the clouds of heaven, just as He ascended into heaven (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Revelation 1:7). He will come in flaming fire for the destruction of sinners (2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9) and the redemption of His saints (Luke 21:28; Romans 8:23). He will come with all His holy angels (Matthew 16:27; Mark 13:26, 27). These accompaniments cannot be simulated or duplicated. But a false appearance will be attempted in some form. CFF2 1204.2

The Master Himself said that false christs would come (Matthew 24:5, 24; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8), showing great signs and wonders, with the intent of deceiving, “if it were possible,” the “very elect” (Matthew 24:24). They will say “Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there” (Mark 13:21); but we are to “believe it not.” Some will say He has come in the desert (Matthew 24:26). But the true second coming of Christ will be seen “as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west”; “so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). The Second Advent will raise the righteous dead and gather the living saints from all over the earth (Matthew 24:31; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; Mark 13:27; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). These specifications cannot be duplicated or simulated. Let no one be deceived. CFF2 1204.3