The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


V. Warnings Parallel the Claims and Actualities of Spiritualism

As soon as the eruption of Modern Spiritualism began in America a series of solemn warnings began to appear against its evil origin and its malign character. The teachings and practices of Spiritualism have been exposed by a succession of leaders in all branches of the Christian church, from the time of its inception onward. Here are a few samples, taken at intervals: CFF2 1164.4


A typical early warning, uttered by Presbyterian Dr. William Ramsey, in 1856, was titled Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion. This treatise portrays Spiritualism’s emergence as a last-day “sign of the times,” fostered by demonic agencies under the lead of Satan. CFF2 1164.5

Ramsey presents the witness of the Old and New Testaments, with their demon possessions. And he shows that the same was true in ancient and modern pagan India. He deals with the phenomena of Modern Spiritualism and its mediums, the vicious teachings of the “spirits,” and their rejection of the Bible. He shows that angels are not the spirits of the dead. His chapter four (“The Truth”) proves that the “spirits” of Spiritualism are “not the spirits of the dead,” 10 but the “Emissaries of Satan.” 11 He gives a devastating exposure of the claims concerning Saul and the witch of Endor and the prophet Samuel, making eight effective points, showing that the apparition was not the “spirit” of Samuel, but an impersonating demon.” 12 CFF2 1165.1


In 1866 J. H. Waggoner, in The Nature and Tendency of Modern Spiritualism, warned against Spiritualism as denying the Bible, the deity of Jesus Christ, and His atoning death and second coming, with buttressing contemporary documentation. He showed how Spiritualism destroys all basic distinctions between right and wrong, and how it denies the moral law, human accountability, and coming punishment for sin. He also pointed out its demonic origin and identity. CFF2 1165.2

Also in 1866 W. M’Donald similarly declared the thenrampant Spiritualism to be but a revival of ancient demonology, with striking similarity. 13 In 1895 G. H. Pember also declared it to be an exercise of satanic power, a sign of the latter times, when false prophets would arise, putting forth great signs and wonders. 14 In 1920 an editorial in The Cumberland Presbyterian likewise declared it to be a satanic form of communication. After referring to “its blinding and corrupting influence,” the editor concluded with the warning “Beware of ‘familiar spirits,’ so speaks the word of God.” 15 A paralleling series of strong warnings appeared in Great Britain. CFF2 1165.3


In 1896 Uriah Smith, in his exposure of Modern Spiritualism, produced a carefully reasoned treatise, documented with more than 120 separate source quotations—all from recognized writers in the field. His chapter five (“What the Spirits Teach”) includes documented evidence on “They Deny God” as a personal Being; “They Deny [the deity of] Jesus Christ”; “They Deny the Bible”; “They Deny All Distinction Between Right and Wrong”—such as showing how many were led to commit suicide in order to join a loved one or friend on the “other side.” All points are buttressed with contemporary quotations. It constitutes one of the most comprehensive exposures up to that time. Its strongest and most constructive feature is the Bible truth on the true nature and destiny of man. And his basic premise is that the “spirits” of Spiritualism are demons, or fallen angels. CFF2 1166.1


We must terminate this list of typical declarations with that of the well-known evangelist W. E. Biederwolf, who declared that the appearance of Spiritualism is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Note it: CFF2 1166.2

“This modern revival of Spiritualism, therefore, not only seems to lend evidence that we are living in what Paul calls the ‘latter times,’ but Paul seems to intimate rather strongly that the spirits which are around in the seances and sittings of the present day, or rather night, are not the spirits of our loved ones at all, but spirits whose distinguishing features are a cloven hoof and a forked tail and a lying tongue. Demon possession does not, of course, always manifest itself in the same way, but always with one purpose, and that is to seduce man from the worship of God. CFF2 1166.3

“The old devil is as cunning as ever, and these demons of his, like angels of light, often disguise the real purpose of their action by a pretended zeal for the truth, even by the reading of the Bible and encouragement to the Christian life; but this is only to gain confidence and a firmer hold on the victim, and back of it all is the sinister motive of enthralling mankind under the dominion of their lord and master, Satan, the arch-enemy o f God. The Bible says distinctly that the air which envelops our earth is full of evil spirits, and, if that is so, we cannot be surprised at their attempt to communicate with man and to influence him for evil.” 16 CFF2 1167.1

So the “last day” aspect of Spiritualism’s modern appearance, as a sign of the times, along with its demonic origin, has been frequently stressed. CFF2 1167.2


A continuing succession of witnesses across the centuries have insisted that it does not follow that the talking personalities of the occult world are necessarily the discarnate spirits of the dead. Even Corliss Lamont sagely observes that “the traditional belief of the Church in diabolical possession, still held in many quarters, is possibly more plausible than the theories of Spiritualists.” 17 CFF2 1167.3