The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

VI. Consummating Contention Based on “Revelation 14:6


But it is in his climactic chapter—“Spiritualism as It Is, and the Message It Has for the World”—that Peebles launches into one of the most audacious claims ever made for Spiritualism on a “Biblical” basis. It is this chapter that makes this volume unprecedented. Quoting in full Revelation 14:6 —“I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel, to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth, and every nation and kindred, and tongue, and people” 36—Peebles then boldly assets:
“This could have been no other angel than the angel messenger of a pure Spiritualism. Such angels are the heralds, the advance guards of new cycles, or new and noble dispensations.” 37
CFF2 1120.2

This symbolism, he explains, is the “enchanting message of angels, the sweet inspiring ministeries [sic] of spirits.” In other words, he applies it to Modern Spiritualism, sweeping over the earth in its triumphant course. And “What,” he asks, “is the message of Spiritualism to the world?” This he answers “emphatically” and explicitly. Note his words: “Briefly stated it is this-Immortality-a future, conscious existence-perfectly and satisfactorily demonstrated.” 38 CFF2 1121.1

That is the heart, the essence, the core, of Peebles’ Spiritualism. And the promulgation of Spiritualism, he avers, is the intent of the symbolism of the flying angel of Revelation 14:6. CFF2 1121.2

Repeating for emphasis, he asserts, “This, then, is the message, the blessed message of all messagesl” From this position he does not veer. Peebles then introduces his next wordy paragraph with these words: CFF2 1121.3

“But this angel messenger of demonstration [phenomenal Spiritualism] in planting the tree of life an Hydesville [home of the Fox sisters and the 1848 episode, the new Bethlehem...” 39 CFF2 1121.4

According to Peebles, Spiritualism restored to man the Edenic “tree of life” through the confirming message of the raps of Hydesville in 1848. Through Spiritualism man has received back what had been removed by God, after our first parents’ transgression in Eden (Genesis 3:22-24), when they believed and received Satan’s lie (“Ye shall not surely die”), and partook of the forbidden fruit. And Peebles calls Hydesville the “new Bethlehem”birthplace of a new “savior” of humanity. CFF2 1121.5


Peebles tells first what Spiritualism is not, and then puts it forth as the essence of the “everlasting gospel”—the fulfilling of all its promises and the restoring and completing of the primitive gospel. His “everlasting gospel [of Revelation 14:6] sees in every cemetery an uprising harvest of souls.” 40 But it is, instead, the everlasting countergospel of error, paralleling and counterfeiting the true. Peebles climaxes this key section by bursting forth with the peroration: CFF2 1122.1

“Tarry not, O beautiful death angel, for under your mask is the majesty of immortality. Often’ the restful face of the corpse is wreathed in a subdued smile, caused by a rift in the cloud, a glimpse of loving, waiting spirit friends. This is the glorious victory of Spiritualism.” 41 CFF2 1122.2

Victory over the sentence of God in Eden of old! That is the actual claim of Spiritualism. CFF2 1122.3

Peebles closes his book with the brash declaration that when Spiritualism CFF2 1122.4

“becomes a living knowledge and a practical power the wide world over, as prophesied of and promised by the hosts and the potent hierarchies above us [not by the Bible], then will the will of God truly be done upon earth as it is in heaven.” 42 CFF2 1122.5

Such is Peebles’ audacious foray into the field of New Testament exegesis, premised on the productions and potentialities of the spirits of Spiritualism, with its undergirding twofold error. It has been promulgated with such skill that it constitutes Satan’s hoary masterpiece of deception, old as the race. CFF2 1122.6

Peebles’ use of the term “everlasting gospel,” as applied to Spiritualism, is wholly misleading. It is instead but the perpetuation of the age-old errors injected into the Garden of Eden, which Peebles nevertheless dubbed the “everlasting gospel.” Satan had introduced the assurance of Innate Immortality and of rising to godship in conjunction with man’s transgression and fall in Eden. But it was to save man from the resultant ruin that the true everlasting gospel was projected. A Saviour was provided-Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life. The gospel is designed to save from Spiritualism, and all other isms and errors and transgressions. 43 CFF2 1122.7