The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


IV. Western’s Cocks—Man Lives Again Only by Resurrection

And now this terse word from Principal H. F. LOVELL COCKS, 30 of Bristol’s Western College, England, who likewise holds that man is not “naturally immortal.” He lives again only by “resurrection from the dead.” That, says Cocks, is the “message of the Bible” CFF2 1004.1

“The Bible teaches that God created man by breathing His Spirit into the dust of the earth, and so bringing into existence the nephesh, or living personality. When God withdraws His Spirit man dies and returns to the dust. Thus man’s life is lived by favour of God. Nowhere in the Bible is the human soul regarded as naturally immortal. The only way in which man can live again after death is by a resurrection-a miracle.” 31 CFF2 1004.2

“Apart from the grace of the forgiving God, there is no hope for him. For he can be saved only by being raised from the dead. Not a natural immortality of the soul, but resurrection from the dead by the power of God, is the message of the Bible.” 32 CFF2 1004.3

This point has been repeated so often that it is now almost a refrain. CFF2 1004.4