The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT: Important Contributions Conclude Current Survey

This chapter must remain unfinished-so far as the recording of the most recent Conditionalist voices is concerned. Additional spokesmen will have gone into print with new books or periodical articles before this volume will have come from the presses, and following that time, as well. The tide of Conditionalism is on the rise. Convictions are being constantly expressed, and will continue to be put forth. Revolt against the traditional view is spreading. CFF2 992.1

As this present work joins the already available literature on this important question-as a historical tracement of the growing discussion and cumulative testimony of the centuries over the nature and destiny of man-we are persuaded that it too will make its impact on the thinking of the scholars of Christendom, creating an even greater interest, stimulating inquiry, and resulting in still more forthright expressions of Bible-based truth as to the nature and destiny of man. CFF2 992.2

The Tabular Chart, beginning on pages 864, 865, after the close of our last recorded witness, will afford an over-all picture of the twentieth-century revival of study in the area of our quest. The gist of the testimony of these writers, recorded in chronological sequence-with nationality, religious affiliation, post of responsibility, and stated positions on the three main features of Conditionalism-will enable the reader to reach his own conclusions as to the over-all evidence, and thus to evaluate the summarizing conclusions presented by the author. Then will follow a summing up of the total evidence of the century in the light of the conspectus brought before us by the Tabular Chart, based upon the larger write-ups that lie back of them. We now turn to these most recent writers. CFF2 992.3