The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


III. Vandeman-Covering Whole Regions, Stresses Conditionalism

GEORGE EDWARD VANDEMAN (1916-), born in a minister’s home in the shadow of Pikes Peak, with a bent for preaching while still a boy, received his training at Washington Missionary College (now Columbia Union College) and Emmanuel Missionary College (a unit of Andrews University), and the University of Michigan. He began his ministerial activity in pastoral and evangelistic lines, then joined the staff of Emmanuel Missionary College, teaching theology and ministerial methods. (Photo on page 973.) CFF2 986.1

This was followed by a successful period as a trainer of preachers on an international level, along with major evangelism in various cities-including two years in London at the New Gallery Evangelistic Centre. His subsequent activities have been with religious telecasting, he having developed a sequence of unique television films called It Is Written, also in color. These have been viewed by millions over leading TV channels throughout the United States, Canada, and Hawaii, with remarkable results. CFF2 986.2

Vandeman has developed an unusual approach in presenting the gospel of Christ for today, covering entire regions by means of TV mass communication. In it all he forcefully and winsomely presents, as an integral part of his program, the principles of Life Only in Christ, man’s true condition in death, and the Biblical evidence on the ultimate fate of the transgressor. It has proved highly effective. Here are representative excerpts. CFF2 986.3


Speaking on the present day “Psychic Masquerade,” with its plausible, bewildering appeal, Vandeman says: CFF2 986.4

“Psychic research has put on its laboratory coat and crept into our universities. It is tugging at the edges of the medical profession. The hypnotist is attempting to probe deeper and deeper into the secrets of life.” 3 CFF2 986.5

Then he counsels:
“We have come to a time when we dare not trust our five senses. Issues can no longer be safely decided by our eyes and our ears and much less our feelings. Some revelation from God is needed to guide the sincere seeker for truth.”
CFF2 987.1

He cites Isaiah 8:19, 20:
“‘When they tell you to consult mediums and ghosts that cheep and gibber in low murmurs, ask them if a nation should not rather consult its God. Say, Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Consult the message of the counsel of God.’ (Moffatt tr.) That is a straight, clear message from God. Isaiah is the gospel prophet. His message reaches through to the end of time. It was the Isaiah scroll, you remember, found in the Dead Sea cave, in 1947, that surprised an unbelieving world with its vindicating evidence for the Word of God.”
CFF2 987.2


Buttressing his positions with Scripture, Vandeman insists that it is CFF2 987.3

“on the resurrection morning-not at death-loved ones torn from us will be united with us again. In fact, the entire structure of Christianity rests upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the final resurrection of His followers in the last days.” CFF2 987.4

After citing Psalm 146:3, 4 and Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, Vandeman tells us: “The dead know nothing. They cannot remember. They cannot love or hate or envy.” CFF2 987.5

When will the glad reunion with our loved ones be? He tells us:
“There is an hour coming when all the dead will hear His penetrating, life-giving voice. And then, not at death, but on the resurrection morning, God’s waiting ones will come forth with the priceless gift of immortality. That’s the gospel, pure and simplel”
CFF2 987.6

And, supported by Scripture, he adds:
“One of the sweetest and most beautiful truths in all of God’s Book is that when a man dies he rests quietly, undisturbed by memories of a troubled life or by concern for his loved ones, until the promised resurrection day.”
CFF2 987.7


Turning to prevalent misconceptions of what happens at death, Vandeman says: “Why would we need a resurrection at the end of time if men go to their reward immediately at death? Why would Jesus need to return to this earth a second time, as He has promised, to gather His people, if they are already with Him now in Paradise? Why do the Scriptures teach a judgment down in the last days if men are already judged at death?” CFF2 987.8

Then he asks pointedly:
“Who gives the [“spirit”] messages in the darkened room? Who is masquerading in the disguise of those loved and lost? What are the powers that are unquestionably operating in the psychic world? We have seen what they are not. Then what are they? Who are they?”
CFF2 988.1

He answers succinctly, quoting Revelation 16:14 and 2 Corinthians 11:13, 14:
“According to the Word of God, these spirits which come to us and claim to be the dear ones taken away by death are not dead people. They are not living people. They are not people at all. They are fallen angels masquerading in the form of our loved ones.”
CFF2 988.2

Vandeman then adds the assurance:
“Man’s hope is not in psychic phenomena, not in messages from a cold, filmy spirit land, not in the dead at all, but in the living Christ....
CFF2 988.3

“Seeing our Lord face to face, joining our loved ones in the glorious light of never-ending day, nevermore to part-this is the promise! This is the gospell” CFF2 988.4


In another address, on “The other side of death,” Vandeman declares: “I offer you God’s clear and unmistakable Word—the only satisfying answer to the question of the ages, ‘Where are our beloved dead?’” 4 CFF2 988.5

And he warns:
“To stray from the Scriptures for counsel on this vital question is to make a dangerous mistake. If we turn from this Book we leave behind the only infallible arbiter of divine truth.”
CFF2 988.6

Going back to the creation of man, Vandeman says: “Man became a living soul as the result of the union of the body with, the breath of life.” CFF2 988.7

Then he explains:’
“If the union of the dust of the ground and the breath of life renders man a conscious personality and makes him a living soul, what happens to that soul, that personality, at death? The conscious personality ceases to exist as such until the Life-giver reunites the body and the breath of life on the morning of the resurrection.”
CFF2 988.8

Speaking of Creation, he says:
“In the beginning God formed man of two things-the dust of the ground and the breath of life. As a result of the union of these two man became a living, loving, acting soul. When he dies the two separate The living, loving, acting soul ceases to be a conscious personality until the resurrection morning. Friend, that’s Scripture pure and simple”
CFF2 989.1


Answering the question as to where man goes at death, Vandeman explains:
“According to the Scriptures, death does not mean to go to heaven. Death does not mean to go to hell-fire. Death does not mean to go to purgatory. Death does not mean to go to the spirit world. Death does not mean to go anywhere. Death simply means a cessation of life until the resurrection.”
CFF2 989.2

And this is the conclusion: “When a Christian dies he can know that in the resurrection morning not only will his life be restored but immortal life will be given him.” CFF2 989.3


In yet another address, on the resurrection—“Thy Dead Too Shall Live”—Vandeman climaxes by declaring:
“Here is a hope for men to live by-a hope that took a pagan world by surprise when it was first spoken. It rocked an entire civilization, and its effects have rumbled down through the centuries with increasing power. This faith which has strengthened and sustained men for 19 centuries can do the same for you.”
CFF2 989.4

Then he appeals:
“Will you just now allow the truth of it, the exhilarating, unshackling, redeeming truth of it, to penetrate every corner of your soul? If you do, you will live. This is the promise. This is the gospel. This is life-eternal life!” 5
CFF2 989.5

Such is the simple directness, based upon Scripture, that marks the Vandeman presentations on life, death, and destiny. CFF2 989.6