The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN: Mass Communications Media Present Conditionalism

There are three large-coverage, air-borne mass communication media presenting the Conditionalist faith-sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist organization-that must not be omitted. First, there is the worldwide Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast, daily and weekly, that has an amazing coverage. Second, there is the Faith for Today telecast, released over more than two hundred TV outlets. And third, there are the impressive It Is Written telecast films for intensive community impact, that are covering the major sections of North America. CFF2 972.1

Harold M. S. Richards is the “Voice” for the first program. William A. Fagal is the telecaster on the second sequence. And George E. Vandeman is the preacher-on-the-air for the third procedure. All three, it should be added, identify their denominational affiliation with each air-borne program. They will be surveyed in the order listed. CFF2 972.2