The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


VII. British Conditionalist Sceats-Veteran Champion of Conditionalism

For more than thirty years FRANK W. SCEATS, 58 of Gloucester, England, was president of the Conditional Immortality Association of Britain-an interdenominational organization which, by voice, effective literature, and annual conferences, championed the cause of Conditionalism, quietly spreading its principles far and near. For more than a score of years editor of Words of Life, as well, Sceats has for fifty years been affiliated with the Methodists, Baptists, Congregationalists, and other denominations in the public presentation of Life Only in Christ. He is author of a dozen standard Conditionalist tracts and brochures. CFF2 969.3

Under Sceats’s leadership a steady stream of literature has flowed forth to many lands from scores of witnesses of various faiths. A glance at the titles of his own personal writings will indicate their broad scope: The Gospel of the Resurrection
The Rich Man and Lazarus
A Concise Statement of the Teaching of Conditional Immortality
Concerning Them Which Are Asleep
Purgatory, Rome’s Fatal Error
Eternal Life in Possession, Promise and Prospect
The Source of Immortality: Adam or Christ?
Shall We Know Our Friends in Heaven?
Papers on Life and Immortality
CFF2 969.4