The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


CHAPTER FORTY-SIX: Augmented Influences Radiate to Ends of Earth

The impact of the various features of Conditionalism has now been felt to the farthest reaches of Christendom. The influence of certain of its more prominent witnesses has radiated beyond their lands of origin to the ends of the earth. There is often to be found, however, a definite tie-in of interrelationship between these men when the facts come to be known. Many of the new voices are discovered to be the reverberating echoes of the witness of former champions of Conditionalism- frequently with amplified power and penetration. CFF2 956.1

Sometimes this chain reaction has been initiated through some personal contact. More often it has resulted from reading a persuasive book or periodical article bearing on the question. A line of thought was thereby started, and serious re-examination of the whole problem undertaken-with a new submission to the determinative testimony of the Word and a restudy of the inexorable evidence of history. CFF2 956.2

In multiplied instances this new investigation has led to a definite shift from positions found to be resting on the dubious sands of human tradition over to a stand based on the solid rock of Inspired Scripture. The result is, as we have seen, that new voices are constantly being added to the growing chorus of Bible-based testimony on the true nature and destiny of man. Let us start the recitals of this chapter with one of these stimulative earlier writers-a Presbyterian scientist-theologian of England, back in 1922. CFF2 956.3