The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

XI. Adventists Reiterate Conditionalism in 1957 Statement

Another contribution in the field of our quest, issued in the sixth decade, is found in the book Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine (1957). This volume, representing the united views of one and a third million Adventists, is the most representative statement issued by this Christian group on the various phases of their faith—including Conditionalism. 59 Section nine, on “Questions on Immortality,” comprises the answers to five questions asked by a group of leading Evangelicals. They deal respectively with “Innate, or Conditional Immortality,” “The Condition of Man in Death,” “The Punishment of the Wicked,” “The Rich Man and Lazarus,” and a unique section on “Champions of Conditional Immortality Span the Centuries.” CFF2 927.3

This volume, which soon had a distribution of some 140,000 copies has been placed in the leading libraries of the world and in the hands of tens of thousands of clergymen not of the Adventist faith, that they might have a thoroughly dependable statement of fundamental Adventist beliefs-including those covered in the five chapters on Conditional Immortality and the ultimate and utter destruction of the wicked. This presentation on Conditionalism, which accords with their official Statement of Faith, cited on pages 21-25, only now in elaborated form, will not be reiterated here. It is a clearly stated presentation. CFF2 928.1

It might be added that the section on champions of Conditionalism was really the forerunner of this present volume. Framed to answer the question “Who are these ‘Conditionalists’ across the centuries?” it gives thumbnail sketches of the views of sixty-six conspicuous Conditionalists, from the time of Martin Luther and William Tyndale down to the present. They are marshaled by centuries, with terse illustrative excerpts from their writings-eight in the sixteenth century, eight in the seventeenth, twelve in the eighteenth, forty-eight in the nineteenth, and the remaining witnesses as current samples in the twentieth century. CFF2 928.2

The interest created by this assemblage of some of the most representative spokesmen for Conditionalism, with key excerpts from their writings, led to a request for this fuller and more comprehensive presentation, not only of these sixtysix men but also of the testimony of thousands of witnesses, all the way from 900 B.C. to the present, with the documented record of their key statements. It comprises a history of the battle of the centuries over Conditionalism, framed in biographical settings. CFF2 928.3