The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


II. Manchester’s Rowley—Greek Immortal-Soulism a Deception

The noted Baptist theologian and historian, Dr. HAROLD H. ROWLEY, 23 now professor emeritus of Hebrew language and literature at the University of Manchester, England, similarly charges Platonic Immortal-Soulism with “deceptive” conflict with the New Testament declaration of “resurrection.” Immortality springs not from the nature of man, but the nature and grace of God. Here is a brief word from Professor Rowley: CFF2 917.4

“It should be observed at the outset that it is not primarily a belief in the immortality of the soul, as in Greek thought. Plato puts into the mouth of Socrates in the Phaedo the words ‘After I drink the poison I shall no longer be with you, but shall go away to the joys of the blessed you know of.’ Here the thought seems to be that the soul is the enduring element of man’s being, and that he can cast aside the body and mount on the wings of the spirit. In Biblical thought the idea of immortal bliss is based on the conception of God.” 24 CFF2 917.5