The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


CHAPTER FORTY-THREE: Various Accusing Fingers Incriminate Platonism

The geographical spread of the twelve spokesmen in this chapter ranges from Canada and the United States in the West, to faraway India in the East-along with England, Scotland, Switzerland, and Germany in the Old World. They include a provost, eight university professors, a bishop, an Institute director, and a Keswick speaker. They include men of international renown. And in religious affiliation they run all the way from Anglican to Swiss Reformed, Church of Scotland, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, Episcopalian, and Disciple. The remarkable harmony of affirmation on one or more of the three major features of Conditionalism continues, along with relentless exposure of the Platonic fallacies and foibles that have penetrated and perverted the church. The momentum of the movement has not slackened. First we turn to Canada. CFF2 889.1