The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


CHAPTER FORTY-ONE: Rectors, Deans, Bishops, Professors, and Editors

Again there is wide diversity of personnel in this chapter, but with an underlying unity of emphasis. Religiously, six witnesses are Anglicans or Episcopalians, three are Lutherans, with the rest Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Orthodox. By profession or vocation eight are university professors, three are editors, two are rectors, two deans, and two bishops, with the remainder as pastors and a philosopher. Geographically, five are from Britain, five from the United States, two from Canada, and there is one each from Scotland, France, Sweden, and Germany. CFF2 842.1

The approaches vary, as do the points of emphasis. But there is a uniform denial of any Biblical foundation for the Innate Immortality position, and an incrimination of Greek Platonism as the source. Immortality is not inherent but is a gift to be bestowed. Fundamental fallacies are frankly exposed, and there is definite rejection of the Eternal Torment theory. Man’s hope lies in the resurrection at the Second Advent. Such is the over-all testimony of this chapter. CFF2 842.2