The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


X. Swedish Bishop Soul Is “as Mortal” as Body

Returning again to Sweden, we note briefly the position of Lutheran Bishop, JOHN OLOF CULLBERG (1895-). After seven years of study in the University of Gothenburg and an additional seven of study and research in the University of Uppsala, he became a member of the faculty of Uppsala, and served as rector in three dioceses in Sweden. In 1940 he was made bishop of the diocese of Vasteras. He was author of Kyrkan och tiden (“The Church and the Time”). It is noteworthy that in his 1940 “pastoral letter” to the clergy of his diocese he wrote that of itself the “soul” is by nature as “mortal” as the “body.” It is through the resurrection, he held, that we receive “eternal life.” This leads to a deathless life of “eternal communion” with God. Here are his precise words: CFF2 802.1

“‘The nature of man does not account for the belief in the resurrection but only the sovereign creative power of God’s love gives us the assurance of a life after death. There is nothing in me which deserves to survive death. In itself my soul is as mortal as my body. But the eternal life, which God even here can create in my heart, encircles the promise of a new, personal existence, which does not know of death and corruption, a life in eternal communion with God and those whom His unfathomable love has saved. Thus also rings the resurrection faith in the apostolic words: “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life.... shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 95 CFF2 802.2

So spoke the bishop of the Vasteras diocese in 1940. (Photo on page 783.) CFF2 802.3