The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


III. Anglican Waller-Valuable Handbook for Conditionalists

Soon after the turn of the century Anglican Rector G. WALLER 14 produced a very valuable handbook, it might be called, containing nearly sixty tabular charts listing and classifying all the Hebrew and Greek words for soul, spirit, life, breath, grave, hell, immortality, sleep, asleep, punishment, et cetera, involved in the immortality question. The tabulated texts are conveniently printed in sequence, with paralleling originallanguage and matching English verses in their variant forms. These form the basis for his conclusions and observations. Nothing that the present writer has seen is quite comparable to it. (Photo on page 768.) CFF2 774.3

Equipped with an excellent knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and endowed with an analytical and logical mind, as well as advantaged by having before him the over-all evidence of Scripture-obtained from his unique tables and classifications of all key Hebrew and Greek words or phrases bearing on the subject-and motivated by a reverent loyalty to the sovereignty of the Inspired Word, Waller came to remarkably sound major conclusions. These conclusions provide tangible support for the principles and precepts of Biblical Conditionalism. And these tabular comparisons, it might be added, sometimes include supplemental evidence from the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate usages. CFF2 774.4

Waller’s philological skills, his proficiency in the areas of etymology, grammar, and semantics-as well as his acquaintance with the historical developments involved in the great Christian deviation resulting from the adoption of Platonic Immortal-Soulism-have resulted in an unusual contribution in this field. Conditionalist literature is the richer, and the case for Conditionalism the more invulnerable, because of his valuable production. Exegesis, interpretation of problem passages, and pertinent challenges of faulty K.J.V. translations are interspersed throughout his scholarly tables, these features helping to make it a reference classic for Conditionalists. CFF2 775.1