The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


XI. Philosopher De May-Soul Only Conditionally Immortal; Can Perish

HENRY DE MAY (1818-1871), Swiss philosopher and profound thinker, met with a crippling accident. Then began years of intense study that led to the production of The Universe, Visible and Invisible. In this he says: CFF2 601.4

“‘We do not admit the necessity for any soul to live for ever; the life of a soul depends upon its conduct. Nature teaches us that every soul may perish, and that the higher is a soul in rank the more fragile it is. Thus it is only conditionally that we are either mortal or immortal.... One of the most prominent laws for the soul... is that of its mortalitythat is to say, the possibility of dying if it fails to fulfil the conditions to which life is attached.... Each reasonable and responsible being has been created with the power to live eternally if he does well, and to die if he does ill.’” 56 CFF2 601.5

This view he shared with numerous other French writers. CFF2 601.6