The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


IV. Parkhurst-Seeks Insurance Against Eventual Obliteration

CHARLES HENRY PARKHURST (1842-1933), well-known pastor of the Madison Square Presbyterian church, in New York City, was graduated from Amherst College, then studied theology at the University of Halle in 1869-1870. For a time he served as a professor in the Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Massachusetts, then pursued further theological studies in the University of Leipsic in 1872-1873. For six years he served as pastor of the Congregational church of Lenox, Massachusetts, and finally as the successful pastor of the Madison Square Presbyterian church of New York City from 1880 to 1918 —thirty-eight years. CFF2 573.3

Parkhurst was prominent in various organizations. He was president of the Society for the Prevention of Crime. He was also author of several well-known works. Dr. Parkhurst, in his pulpit, on several occasions boldly challenged the premise of natural immortality, and advocated the view of the final extinction of the wicked. In a recorded sermon in 1892 he said:
“‘There is no warrant from Bible or from nature for supposing that a soul carries within itself a policy of insurance against its own eventual obliteration.... We ought certainly to spend as much thought and effort in getting ready to be immortal as we spend in getting our bodies ready to survive the threescore and ten.’” 21
CFF2 574.1