The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


VI. Independent Kramer-Immortality Only for Believers in Christ

GEORGE R. KRAMER (fl. 1882), pastor of the (Independent) Household of Faith church, in Wilmington, Delaware, was formerly pastor of a large Methodist Episcopal church in that city. But he could not stifle his convictions, and would not preach what he did not believe and what he was convinced was erroneous concerning the nature and destiny of man-the popular position of Immortal-Soulism. He therefore resigned his charge. But a large segment of his church decided to follow him, and in 1880 they erected and dedicated their own edifice. Here are terse, typical excerpts taken from his chapter four of the 1882 Symposium. CFF2 528.1

“Christ died a literal death and rose to a literal life to give the eternal life of the gospel.” CFF2 528.2

“The first death is literal-so shall be the second, for it is a death after the resurrection; for only the believer rises to immortality.” CFF2 528.3

“Man is mortal, and he receives immortality only in Christ, upon the condition of believing in Him.” CFF2 528.4

“But we look away to the shinings of the regeneration when the Life-giver shall come; when the effulgence of immortality shall gleam through Hades [the grave], and when all who believe in Him shall ‘die no more.’ There is a blessed time for redeemed man upon the regenerated earth.” CFF2 528.5

“But coming years are radiant. The saints are to glow with immortal beauty.... The time will come when glowing wing may go from horizon to horizon and from zenith to nadir, and find evil nowhere. Christ shall destroy the works of the devil.” 40 CFF2 528.6

Thus another lesser voice is in tune with the larger chorus of conspicuous names. CFF2 529.1