The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


I. Hendrickson-Truth of “Life in Christ” Unlocks “Hidden Mystery”

C. R. HENDRICKSON, D.D. (1820-1881), able Baptist minister, held pastorates in Philadelphia, Norfolk, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Memphis. His last pastoral post was in Jackson, Tennessee. He was also chairman of the board of the then Southwestern Baptist University, as well as of the Board of Ministerial Education. Excerpts from his writings were brought together to form the closing section of the Symposium, The Life Everlasting, published just after his death, and here epitomized. It was published “In Memoriam,” bordered in black. CFF2 516.2


Keenly aware of changes then taking place in the theological world, especially in the field of eschatology and the final disposition of sin, Dr. Hendrickson was watching with concern the rise of Restorationism, which he considered to be a “rebound” against the traditional postulate of Eternal Torment. “The truth,” he held, “lies between these extremes.” 1 To both groups he commended the Conditionalist position of “immortality Only in Christ,” which he looked upon as a shining “star amid the blackness of midnight.” He urged it as “a solvent for the profoundest problems that perplex the human mind,” 2 pertaining to the question of the nature and destiny of man. Said he:
“I know of no subject that so magnifies Christ. How it exalts His power, wisdom and majesty. ‘God gave to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.’ Redemption in this sense is a thousand times greater than that which merely saves an immortal soul from sin and misery. It bestows the inestimable boon of life, as well as pardon and bliss. This view gives a new meaning to the grand old coronation hymn, ‘All hail the power,’ etc. To me it gives a new power in preaching. It is like standing on the Mount of Transfiguration, rather than on Golgotha-it is life instead of death, glory instead of shame.” 3
CFF2 516.3


Dr. Hendrickson insisted on the “unconscious state of the dead.” Such a position, he held, destroys all ground for Spiritism, Purgatory, saint worship, and a ghostly Heaven. He contended that the whole man dies, and the whole man will be raised. It is the “man” all the way through. He declared that CFF2 517.1

“the great mistake is to suppose and teach that the Soul is an entity, possessing a separate consciousness and an independent existence. In the Bible the term Soul is the synonym of man. A living man is a living soul, and a dead man is a dead soul.” 4 CFF2 517.2


Hendrickson declared that a new spirit of inquiry is abroad, and that long-accepted doctrines are being re-examined. He believed that a candid restudy of the Whole question of immortality would soon be forced upon the Christian world, and that the truth of Conditional Immortality in Christ would bring relief to vast multitudes, as it had to him. He considered that “‘Life in Christ’ is the Rosetta stone to reveal the hidden mystery so long concealed from the men of this world.” 5 CFF2 517.3