The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


The Prophetic Gift in the Church

One of the chief gifts of the Spirit which God has placed in the New Testament church is the gift of prophecy. (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:14, 17, 18; 1 Corinthians 12:1-31; 14:1-5; Ephesians 5:11-13.) This gift the Bible connects with the closing work of this dispensation. (Revelation 12:17; 14:12; 19:10.) Spiritual gifts do not, therefore, cease to be of importance in the sight of God or in the estimation of His people. And that message and church which is to accomplish the perfecting of the saints and to fit them for translation will be guided and kept by the spiritual gifts in its preaching, methods of work, and discipline. FSG 14.1

Adventists do not think of themselves as better than all other people. We do not claim that all our members are good Christians, and we surely do not teach or believe that there are no true believers in other churches. But we do rejoice in the gracious light and help that have come to us through spiritual gifts, and above all, through the gift of prophecy. We have seen the large and valuable results of this mercy of the Lord in every part of earth and in our own home churches and hearts. FSG 14.2

It is this fruitage of the spiritual gifts which is so greatly needed in Christianity in this age of supreme crisis. Churches that neither recognize nor possess the true Bible spiritual gifts must become bodies of darkness. They will either be led into noisy fanaticism or come to depend on the dead decrees and makeshift machinery of nominal religion. Just now standing at the crossroads of the ages and in the midst of utter world confusion, the church must claim and experience the guidance, power, and deliverance of spiritual gifts. As Seventh-day Adventists we believe that we are the remnant church—the church with God’s message to this last generation. We further believe that the Lord’s messenger, Ellen Gould White, was endowed by the Holy Spirit with the gift of prophecy. We are convinced that the Lord means us in the words: “the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17), this “testimony of Jesus” being “the Spirit of prophecy.” There is neither boasting nor pride in making this holy claim, but a deep and humble dependence on the divine Master, who alone can give grace to be faithful. FSG 14.3