The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


Revive the Message

This revival of the message at the close of our work was one of the last and most earnest appeals to the Adventist Church from the Spirit of prophecy. From an article by Mrs. White in the Review, with the heading, “Be Vigilant,” I quote: FSG 444.1

“I have a positive message from the Lord to those who are standing as watchmen in the Lord’s cause.... I have been instructed that the messages given in the past are to be revived.... The message comes to me, ‘Wake up the watchmen. Let every one now come into working order.’ ... My brethren, the value of the evidences of truth that we have received during the past half century, is above estimate. These evidences are as treasure hidden in a field. Search for them.... Let every man work to the point. Study the Word of God. Revive the evidences given in the past.... To those standing at the head of the work I would say, Come close to your brethren.... I am instructed to say that we are to continue to stand on affirmative ground. Strong, decided testimonies in favor of the truth are to be borne.... We have a testing message to give, and I am instructed to say to our people, Unify, unify.”—The Review and Herald, April 19, 1906, page 7. FSG 444.2