The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


Use and Misuse of the Testimonies

In this chapter we employ the old term Testimonies as it was often used formerly to designate all the writings of Mrs. White. Definitely improper methods have at times been followed by some in their study and use of the Spirit of prophecy writings. The danger of an extreme application is one of these. just as certain ones take a few texts of the Bible and, forgetting others, apply these so strongly that they do violence to the Word, so some people abuse the messages of God’s spirit. Truth is never one-sided. An extreme stand on health reform may often be a false stand. Others have gone too far and become one-sided in what they insisted the Testimonies taught concerning church standards or on questions of marriage and the home. Usually the difficulty is that those advocating these impractical views lack experience or are radical in their thinking, having failed to read on every side of the matter. The Spirit of prophecy gives a balanced presentation of every topic and we are never to take only a few scattered sentences here and there. One good brother who did that some years ago was told by Mrs. White that she had never been called to write proverbs—that is, little detached sentence thoughts. FSG 401.1

There is an abuse of the Testimonies employed by some apostate Adventists who pose as reformers. It is the unchristian plan of using the writings of the Spirit of prophecy as a club to strike at God’s people and to scatter and destroy. This negative and narrow-minded agitation to condemn and whip others into line with personal extreme and foolish views is directly contrary to the spirit of Christ. The messages from heaven were given to gather and to build up the Adventist Church. They never undermine the leadership or cast contempt on those who in spite of bitter opposition bring the advent message to the ends of the earth. The Testimonies themselves earnestly warn us against those who create division and distrust. As we have observed these misguided folks we have felt sorry for them and especially for their children. FSG 401.2

Some of these abuses are knowingly and positively dishonest. Some take messages written to a private person or a local church years ago and apply them to the entire denomination today. Nothing could be more deliberately deceptive. But some of these reformers have no regard for common honesty and truthfulness. They have an advantage over God’s people as Satan had an advantage over the loyal angels when sin first started in heaven—he could employ falsehood, and thrive on it, whereas the loyal angels would use only truth. FSG 402.1