The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


The Question of Successors

Now and then people ask if Adventists are looking for another messenger to take the place of Mrs. White. Our reply to such inquiries is and has ever been that we have never so thought or taught. The office of priest in Old Testament times was inherited, but in the Bible no man was a prophet because his father was a prophet. Some Mormons have had family prophets, but Bible Christians do not think that way. The prophetic gift is not a family legacy. The so-called “sons of the prophets” were only students in the schools of the prophets. A prophet does not come by church election. God appointed His own messengers, and the church received them after a true test. FSG 396.1

Adventists have off and on been troubled by foolish, conceited persons who boastingly claim to be the “successors of Mrs. White.” They gave no evidence of a call; only their own egotism prompts them. They tell us that Moses chose Joshua and Elijah called Elisha. But they fail to tell us that Mrs. White never chose a successor nor as far as we know expected one. She does say that at the last “the living testimony will be revived,” but she does not explain what is meant by that statement. In the loud cry there will be a great manifestation of spiritual power, but there is nothing either in the Bible or in the Spirit of prophecy books to indicate that another special messenger will come to lead and guide the people as did the servant of the Lord so many years. FSG 396.2

If such messengers do come, they are not to be rejected without a test, but they are not, on the other hand, to be believed until the church has had time to try their work by their fruits and by the Bible. In this connection attention is called to the report quite current for a time that Mrs. White was jealous and earnestly opposed any idea of a successor. The truth is the exact opposite. Mrs. White always gladly recognized the talents or work of other women in the Adventist Church. Many years ago a prominent lady of the W.C.T.U., Mrs. S. M. I. Henry, joined the Adventist Church and became a most useful and popular worker. Mrs. White gave her every encouragement, and at her death after years of service, wrote: FSG 397.1

“We have been made very sad by tidings of the death of our much-beloved Sister S. M. I. Henry. It was our hope that our sister might be able till His coming to continue the work which the Lord had raised her up and miraculously restored her to do in His cause. FSG 397.2

“Sister Henry’s whole soul was enlisted in the work of reform, and her influence was a savor of life unto life. Her personal labors we shall greatly miss. She has borne her testimony unfalteringly, yet judiciously.”—The Review and Herald, April 3, 1900, page 216. FSG 397.3

The Adventist Church possesses a great treasure in the Spirit of prophecy. Anyone who has watched the activities of the advent movement will have some idea of how invaluable this divine gift has been to the remnant people of God. When we consider that, however, we must give attention to certain questions as to the proper usage we make of this light that has come to us from the Lord. FSG 397.4