The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


History of Modern Health Reform

There is today a prejudice against the word reform. For that reason it is now more common to say “health program,” though it means the same thing. With the present intelligent agitation for better health and healthful living conditions by governments, churches, clubs, and labor unions, which has grown into a most helpful education for better homes, clothing, food, hours of work, bathing facilities, medical care, and cleanliness, it is useful to recount how this great endeavor began and by whom. FSG 303.4

No one today remembers, and very few have been aware, that Mrs. White was the leading pioneer in all this agitation and education for the true ways of health, in America at least. Her lectures and pamphlets on the topic became known everywhere and aroused country-wide attention. One writer of those days says: FSG 304.1

“Mrs. White was the first to speak upon the subject among our people. She went from State to State, speaking once or twice at each’ of our large gatherings. She appealed to the people upon the subject of Bible temperance, dwelling upon the great benefits and blessings to be derived from correcting bad habits of life. The subject was a fruitful one, and was presented in happy earnest style.”—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 219. FSG 304.2

Mrs. White also wrote at length on the topic of healthful living and the need of a thorough reform in personal habits. At first she met much indifference and even out and out opposition. Of this common attitude we read: FSG 304.3

“1. At the time the writings referred to first appeared, the subject of health was almost wholly ignored, not only by the people to whom they were addressed, but by the world at large. FSG 304.4

“2. The few advocating the necessity of a reform in physical habits, propagated in connection with the advocacy of genuine reformatory principles the most patent and in some instances disgusting errors. FSG 304.5

“3. No where, and by no one, was there presented a systematic and harmonious body of hygienic truths, free from patent errors, and consistent with the Bible and the principles of the Christian religion.”—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, Preface, iii. FSG 304.6