The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts

Institutional Relief

One great evil that has at various times weakened our institutions is debt. Some of them were, in fact, greatly burdened with this heavy hindrance. Sometimes a certain book, such as Christ’s Object Lessons, was sold as a relief book to pay liabilities. At other times direct appropriations for debt reduction were voted. Thus, for instance, about fifteen years after the Christiana (now Oslo), Norway, publishing house was established, and after its founder, J. G. Matteson, had returned to America, a man from the Central West was sent over to manage that house. Not being a Norwegian, he did not know the customs of that country too well. He found it was usual over there for different businessmen and firms to sign notes and go security for each other, often as a matter of courtesy. Against the earnest protests of our Norwegian brethren, he signed papers for others to a large amount. just then, in 1897, a panic came to Norway. One business after another went to the wall. Our people, who did not know what this man had done, did not feel alarmed, as our publishing concern had been having good business. But to their terrible consternation, the believers in Norway learned that because of this man’s signing papers the Oslo publishing house was in serious financial difficulties, owing some $50,000 more than it was worth or could handle. Many firms, even religious concerns, went into bankruptcy to save themselves. Our legal advisers wanted us to do the same. But no Adventist institution had ever yet failed and been closed by law, and we felt that our good name was at stake. FSG 261.1

It was in 1899 that word came to the General Conference that our publishing property in Oslo would be sold to pay the heavy obligations unless helped very soon. On November 20, 1899, the Lord’s messenger wrote an earnest appeal for help to avert that great calamity. FSG 261.2

“Our publishing-house in Norway is in peril, and in the name of the Lord I appeal to our people in its behalf. All to whose hearts the cause of present truth is dear are called upon to help in this crisis. Those who love and serve God should feel the deepest interest in all that concerns the glory of His name.... God would certainly be dishonored if His institution were allowed to fall into decay for want of the money which He has entrusted to His stewards.” (See Testimonies for the Church 6:454-462.) FSG 262.1

A few opposed this help, but soon it was forthcoming, and the house was saved. All who know of the large publishing work in Northern Europe have seen what a marvelous blessing has resulted from this appeal of the messenger of God. Even as a business proposition it has paid many fold. About that same time our sanitarium near Copenhagen became financially embarrassed. Some felt it should be closed because men there had gone too deeply in debt. Again the voice of God’s servant intervened, and today the Skodsborg Sanitarium is by far the largest institution Adventists have outside of America. This relief and general finance plan has been most fruitful. FSG 262.2

Not only has it created confidence within our own ranks and helped our people to contribute more liberally, but it has given us standing outside. Another fact that has contributed to this confidence is that we have in later years adopted the no-debt policy. We learned by hard experience that debts are a terrible curse, and the Spirit of prophecy came to us with messages from the Lord, instructing us to shun debt as we would the leprosy. All these more or less forgotten principles of gospel finance as taught in the New Testament were stated over again to us by the messenger of the Lord, and this light is the secret of our church prosperity. Thus through prayer and counsel and a study of the divine instruction have we been led into the methods and form of organization which have brought success in all the earth. FSG 262.3