The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts

Chapter 18 — Messages on Missions and Institutions

THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY messages have given instruction and encouragement to a great variety of gospel activities. Like a giant oak with spreading branches, these messages have shielded and built up the Adventist Church. When the Harvest Ingathering work first began and some opposed the plan of collecting from the outside, these messages defended and cheered everyone in that work. Up to the present time we have raised $34,456,277 for missions through this plan. When Christian welfare work was needed in this and other lands, it was encouraged by these messages. The same is true of temperance and prohibition, of young people’s endeavor, of the Home Commission and many, many other fields of endeavor in the church of Christ. FSG 246.1

Some have said that the Spirit of prophecy writings did not seem to favor old people’s homes or orphans’ homes. This is a misunderstanding. Although they do not speak so much concerning these institutions as about some others, and although they advocate that orphans and the aged may often be best cared for in private homes, they most definitely teach that the church is responsible for the aged and feeble members needing help, and that orphans’ homes ought to be established among us. In a testimony written in 1890 we were told that an orphans’ home was “what was needed among us as a people, and that in enterprises of this kind we were far behind other denominations.”—Testimonies for the Church 8:133. Then again we read in The Ministry of Healing, 205: “If all were done that could be done in providing homes in families for orphan children, there would still remain very many requiring care. Many of these children could be rescued through the work of orphan asylums.” FSG 246.2