The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


The Righteousness of Christ in Human Flesh

It was a new thought to many of our ministers that the “righteousness of God” accepted by us in faith is the life of Christ on earth. Thus the. doctrine of justification by faith became clearer and its appeal to the people stronger. This light helped all. FSG 241.1

It was really at the General Conference session in 1893 that light on justification by faith seemed to gain its greatest victory, and it was the thought that it is the righteous life of Christ here on earth that is imputed to us by faith which brought great blessing. Just how Adventists thought and spoke of this in the days of the great revival is well illustrated in the following quotation from the General Conference Bulletin: FSG 241.2

“And we have it further, ‘Buy of Me gold tried in the fire, and white raiment that thou may be clothed.’ And you remember the description that we have already had of that raiment. The figure is, it is ‘that garment that is woven in the loom of heaven, in which there is not a single thread of human making.’ Brethren, that garment was woven in a human body. The human body—the flesh of Christ—was the loom, was it not? That garment was woven in Jesus; in the same flesh that you and I have, for He took part of the same flesh and blood that we have. That flesh that is yours and mine, that Christ bore in this world—that was the loom in which God wove that garment for you and me to wear in the flesh, and He wants us to wear it now, as well as when the flesh is made immortal in the end! FSG 241.3

“What was the loom? Christ in His human flesh. What was it that was made there? [Voice: The garment of righteousness.] And it is for all of us. The righteousness of Christ—the life that He lived—for you and for me, that we are considering tonight, that is the garment. God the Father—God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. ‘His name shall be called Immanuel’—that is ‘God with us.’ Now then, He wants that garment to be ours, but does not want us to forget who is the weaver. It is not ourselves, but it is He who is with us. It was God in Christ. Christ is to be in us, just as God was in Him, and His character is to be in us, just as God was in Him, and His character is to be woven and transformed into us through these sufferings and temptations and trials which we meet. And God is the weaver, but not without us. It is the co-operation of the divine and the human—the mystery of God in you and me—the same mystery that was in the gospel and that is the third angel’s message. This is the word of the Wonderful Counselor. FSG 241.4

“[Voice: “Was not the character woven without us?”] Yes, but it will not become ours without us. So we are led through these fiery trials and temptations to be partakers of the character of Christ, and these trials and temptations that we meet reveal to us our characters and the importance of having His, so that through these same temptations that He passed through, we become partakers of His character, bearing about in the body the righteousness of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. FSG 242.1

“Of course the garment was woven without us, and the beauty of it is that we are to have that garment as complete as He is. We are to grow up into Christ, until we all come in the unity of the faith. It is the same message still, until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, ‘unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.’ FSG 242.2

“How tall are we to be in character before we leave this world? As tall as Christ. What is to be our stature? That of Christ. We are to be perfect men reaching ‘unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.’”—The General Conference Bulletin, 207, 208, 1893. FSG 242.3