The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts


The Results of the Meeting

The General Conference does not settle a question of doctrine by vote, and there was no vote or decision recorded of the debating at Minneapolis. The knowledge of truth cannot be settled by vote. It grows by inward conviction. Some have spoken of the Minneapolis conference as though it ended in apostasy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Lord gave His people a marvelous victory. It was the beginning of a great spiritual awakening among Adventists. Only those who attended the conference can understand the spiritual power that was manifest and the victories gained in the struggles and criticism that came in. Mrs. White, in writing after the Minneapolis conference, indicates clearly that the message of righteousness by faith as set forth especially in the epistle to the Romans brought great blessing to the Adventist Church. In writing of the General Conference, a year later, that is, in 1889, she said: FSG 233.4

“We are having most excellent meetings. The spirit that was in the meeting in Minneapolis is not here. All moves off in harmony. There is large attendance of delegates. Our five o’clock morning meeting is well attended, and the meetings good. All the testimonies to which I have listened have been of an elevating character. They say that the past year has been the best of their life; the light shining forth from the Word of God has been clear and distinct—justification by faith, Christ our righteousness. The experiences have been very interesting. FSG 234.1

“I have attended all but two morning meetings. At eight o’clock Brother Jones speaks upon the subject of justification by faith, and great interest is manifested. There is a growth in faith and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are quite a number who have not had an opportunity to hear upon this subject before but they are taking it in, and are being fed with large morsels from the Lord’s table. The universal testimony from those who have spoken has been that this message of light and truth which has come to our people is just the truth for this time and wherever they go among the churches, light, and relief, and the blessing of God is sure to come in.”—MS. 10, 1889 (November 5). FSG 234.2

The Minneapolis meeting itself, though not a little weakened by a love of debate and argument, was for many a season of repentance and confession and spiritual refreshing, as stated by Mrs. White seven years later: FSG 234.3

“Again and again the Spirit of the Lord came into the meeting [at Minneapolis] with convincing power, notwithstanding the unbelief manifested by some present.”—Letter 51a, 1895. (May l.) FSG 234.4

But it took some time to get this good work of refreshing under way. The church was in dire need of spiritual shepherds who could really feed them with the bread of life. The president of the General Conference, O. A. Olsen, speaking of the need of the revival, said in his address to the General Conference of 1891: FSG 234.5

“We have been very desirous that we might see much of God’s blessings, and share in a large outpouring of His Spirit during this conference, which will enable us to properly understand the nature of our work, and give wisdom to deal with every question that may come up, and lead us to right conclusions in all our deliberations.... FSG 235.1

“The spiritual condition of our churches and people in general is not what we would desire. Living in such a time as we do, carrying the responsibilities that we are, and in view of the light and truth committed to us, we ought to be a most devoted and consecrated people. We have reasons for encouragement. There seems to be a waking up to the importance of this matter. Our churches are hungering for spiritual food.... FSG 235.2

“Two ministers’ schools have been held since our last general gathering. The first one commenced immediately after the close of the last General Conference, and continued twenty weeks; the second one of sixteen weeks has just closed, and we are glad to say that they have been a success beyond our expectations. The number in attendance at the first ministers’ school held in the winter of 1888-9, reached a little more than fifty, and in the last one the regular attendance has reached over one hundred and thirty.”—The General Conference Bulletin, 3, 4, 1891. FSG 235.3

Of this time and the work of revival, Mrs. White wrote: FSG 235.4

“Those who choose to stand on the outskirts of the camp, cannot know what is going on in the inner circle. They must come right into the inner courts, for as a people we must be united in faith and purpose. We have only just begun to get a little glimmering of what faith is; for it is hard for those who have been absorbed in looking at dark pictures of unbelief, to see anything else save darkness. For nearly two years we have been urging the people to come up and accept the light and the truth concerning the righteousness of Christ, and they do not know whether to come and take hold of this precious truth or not. They are bound about with their own ideas. They do not let the Savior in. I have done what I could to present the matter. I can speak to the car, but I cannot speak to the heart. Shall we not arise and get out of this position of unbelief? Shall we not bruise Satan under our feet? I beseech of you, Come up where the living waters flow. FSG 235.5

“Yesterday morning I arose with an agony upon my soul, and I could only say, ‘Lord, Thou knows all about it. My heart is burdened, and Thou knows that I cannot bear this load. I must have more help than I yet have had. Thou knows that when I see men taking positions contrary to Thy word, I am crushed under the load, and I can do nothing without Thy help.’ It seemed that as I prayed a wave of light fell about me, and a voice said, ‘I will be with thee to strengthen thee.’ Since then I have been resting in Jesus. I can hide in Him. I am not going to carry this load any longer. I shall lay it down at the feet of my Redeemer.... FSG 236.1

“You will meet with those who will say, ‘You are too much excited over this matter. You are too much in earnest. You should not be reaching for the righteousness of Christ, and making so much of that. You should preach the law.’ As a people, we have preached the law until we are as dry as the hills of Gilboa that had neither dew nor rain. We must preach Christ in the law, and there will be sap and nourishment in the preaching that will be as food to the famishing flock of God.”—The Review and Herald, March 11, 1890, Pages 145, 146. FSG 236.2

All through this period of revival, beginning with 1888, the messenger of the Lord sent out most earnest appeals urging our people to seek a living experience in justification by faith, and calling upon both ministers and members to seek God with all their hearts. Many of these appeals were printed in the first articles of the Review just a few of them will be quoted. FSG 236.3

“The present message—justification by faith—is a message from God; it bears the divine credentials, for its fruit is unto holiness.”—The Review and Herald, September 3, 1889, page 545. FSG 236.4

“The small churches have been presented to me as so destitute of spiritual food that they are ready to die.... I was up at two o’clock this morning, pleading with God for the people, pleading with Him as to how the tide of unbelief could be stayed; and the message seemed to come to me, ‘Do the best you can, go forward and upward. I will be at thy side; I will sweep back the darkness that is beclouding the perceptions of those who are honest in heart.’ It is time that the trumpet had a certain sound. The Lord is coming, and we must be ready!”—The Review and Herald, March 4, 1890, pages 129, 130. FSG 236.5

“Suppose that you blot out the testimony that has been going during these last two years proclaiming the righteousness of Christ, who can you point to as bringing out special light for the people? This message as it has been presented, should go to every church that claims to believe the truth, and bring our people up to a higher stand-point. Where are the builders that are carrying forward the work of restoration? ... God does not want any man to think that no other message is to be heard but that which he may have given. We want the past message and the fresh message. Let the Spirit of God come into the heart.”—The Review and Herald, March 18, 1890, pages 161, 162. FSG 237.1