The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts

Views of the Lake of Fire

The subject that is especially prominent in these visions is an eternally burning hell. FSG 26.2

“Over and over again children had visions of hell and the lake of fire. The first time any one was under the anointing of the Spirit he usually had a vision of hell. He was bound in chains by demons and taken through a region of darkness. Some children could hear demons all about them in this region. If taken far, they could see a dim light in the distance which proved to be reflections from the lake of fire. Some children were forced so near they could see the lake of fire ahead.”—Ibid., page 85. FSG 26.3

“When the children were peering down into this pit in hell we saw them taking a firm hold of some piece of furniture or getting down on their hands and knees, cautiously bending forward to peep into the infernal regions. They looked a moment and then drew back, afraid lest they fall in. They were horrified at what they saw. Then very cautiously they looked again and drew back. Sometimes the children lay flat on their stomachs, lest they slip and fall while looking over the brink of the lake of fire. The lost were seen going into hell. Some fell in, some walked over the brink, and some were bound by demon chains and cast into hell by demons. One boy saw groups of the wicked bound in bundles, ready to be cast into this furnace of fire. In the lake of fire were oceans of hands reaching up for help. Those below appealed to those looking in upon them to come to their rescue.”—Ibid., pages 86, 87. FSG 26.4

“One boy saw his grandmother in hell, whom he had tried to win to Christ. She was once a sorceress and murderer who had withstood the gospel she heard in her village and caused many to refuse the light. Other children also had visions of relations in hell. This tribe’s boy who saw his grandmother in hell was the boy who saw his little sister and his believing aunt in heaven.”—Ibid., page 88. FSG 27.1

We feel like apologizing to the reader for quoting so much of this, but we know of no other way in which we can give our reasons for rejecting these so-called visions as a genuine manifestation of the Spirit of prophecy. In this same booklet we read that a converted Chinese girl talked with a student as follows: FSG 27.2

“‘You might die suddenly in your sins, and you would go to hell.’ ‘Who are you?’ scoffed the student. ‘You are a little snip of an ignorant girl, just a sort of useless beggar. What do you suppose you are trying to do? You are trying to teach me something when you are not worthy to even talk to me. I am a university student. I am wise. I have read many books. I have been many years in Peking. I can speak and read English as well as Chinese.’ He then spat in her face and told her to mind her own business. FSG 27.3

“Two weeks later, hearing a funeral commotion in the front alley, I was surprised to learn that they were carrying this university student to his burial. I knew nothing of this conversation with the girl. About a month later this girl was in a trance under the power of the Spirit. After seeing visions of heaven and the glories of the redeemed she stood still and bent over as though looking into hell. This is what I heard: ‘Ah! There is hell. No, I cannot; I have no power to help you now. You certainly are in an awful plight. It is you who are worse than a beggar now, all dirty, all filthy, and suffering in the lake of fire. In fact, you look worse now than any beggar I ever saw.’”—Ibid., page 93. FSG 27.4