The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1


PART I (Chapters 1-10)

Old Testament Evidence
1. Conditionalism Versus Immortal Soulism17
   I. Purpose and Scope of This Vital Quest17
      1. Fundamental Questions That Demand an Answer17
      2. Sole Source of Reliable Information18
      3. Author’s Personal Declaration of Faith18
      4. Scope of the Ground Covered19
      5. Basic Definition of Conditionalism19
   II. Consistency and Obvious Soundness of Conditionalism20
      1. Adam’s Potential for Immortality Was Conditional20
      2. Conditionalism Harmonizes Divine Goodness With Human Freedom21
      3. Conditionalism Attested Biblically, Logically, Historically22
   III. Eternal Torment Involves Pagan “Dualism” Postulate23
2. Man Created in the Image of God29
   I. Introductory Survey of Record of Creation29
   II. Creation in “Image of God” Not a Valid Argument31
      1. “Image of God” Does Not Connote “Immortality” for Man31
      2. No Valid Reason for Singling Out Immortality32
      3. Fundamental Fallacy Revealed by Parallel Syllogisms33
   III. “Living Soul” Does Not Connote Immortality34
      1. Living Soul Not a Separate Entity34
      2. Innate Deathlessness Not Part of Original Endowment35
   IV. “Breath of Life” Equated With “Spirit” and “Spirit of God”36
      1. “Breath”—“Breath of God”—“Spirit”—“Spirit of God”36
      2. “Breath of Life,” “Spirit of Life”—Same Principle of Life36
      3. “Spirit,” or “Breath, Never Identified With Soul37
      4. Possessors of “Breath of Life” Subject to Death38
   V. Clarifying Distinctions Between Soul and Spirit38
      1. “Soul” Dependent Upon Presence of “Spirit”39
      2. Spirit and Soul Have Series of Contrasts39
      3. “Spirit” Returns to God Who “Gave It”40
      4. To “Save a Soul” Is to Save a Man40
      5. Biblical Portrayal of Death40
3. Prohibition, Probation, Temptation, and Fall42
   I. One Prohibition Placed Upon Man in Eden42
   II. Freedom of Will, Is Moral Accountability44
      1. Freedom of Will Is Essence of Being44
      2. Endless Defiance Would Thwart God45
      3. Ultimate Destruction for Incorrigible Defiance46
   III. Temptation at Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil47
   IV. Satan Himself the Undercover Tempter in Eden48
   V. Lucifer’s Rebellion in Heaven Transferred to Earth50
      1. Pride and Jealousy Fomented Rebellion in Heaven50
      2. Eden Becomes the New Battleground51
      3. Lucifer: Highest Angel Becomes Lowest Devil52
      4. Satan’s Dual Lie Had But Single Point54
   VI. Essence of Fall Was Believing Satan’s Lie55
4. The Gospel of Genesis 3:15 Proclaimed57
   I. The Doom of Death and the Hope of Life57
      1. The Terrors of Disobedience57
      2. The First Glimmer of Hope58
   II. Glorious Gospel Provisions Begin at Gates of Eden59
      1. Becomes Father of Race Under New Probation60
      2. Tree of Calvary Becomes Third Tree of Eden60
      3. Placed on Probation, Given Second Chance61
   III. Promised Seed Is Master Key to Atonement Mysteries61
      1. “Highway of the Seed” Begins62
      2. Conflict of the Ages Begins62
      3. Personal Application of the Fall to Us62
   IV. “Coats of Skins” Typified Righteousness of Christ63
      1. Divine Propitiation Provided63
      2. Deeper Mysteries of Atonement Enfolded64
   V. Christ’s Central Place in Gospel of Eden64
      1. Becomes Son of Man to Restore Lost Man64
      2. Assumes His True and Central Place66
      3. Processes and Provisions of Redemption and Restoration67
      4. Enabling Provisions of Redemption68
5. The Penalty of Death for Disobedience69
   I. A Second Chance Provided for the Sinner69
      1. A Reprieve Granted Adam and Eve69
      2. Significance of Probation for Race71
   II. Adam Died Judicially cm Day of Transgression71
      1. Rhetorical Figure of Prolepsis Employed72
      2. Other Instances Are Not Misunderstood72
      3. Sands in Time’s Hourglass Begin Falling73
      4. Finality of Death Imposed Not Specified73
   III. Encompassing Involvements of Death Penalty73
      1. “Death” Embraces Total Punishment for Sin74
      2. Justice Requires Penalty Be Understood74
      3. “Second Death” Completes the Death Penalty75
      4. “Second Death” Is Loss of Life, Not Continuance76
      5. Doom Applies to Man as a Whole77
   IV. Supreme Argument Against Eternal Torment77
      1. Death Penalty Steins From Law and Authority77
      2. Question Settled at Highest Level78
   V. Sleep the Beautiful Euphemism for Death79
      1. First a Sleep, With Resurrection Awakening79
      2. Implications of the Metaphor of Sleep79
      3. Time Obliterated to the Sleeper80
      4. “Sleep” Is Undeviating Synonym for “Death”80
6. Redemption in the Period of the Sacrificial Altar83
   I. Cain and Abel Tested by Sacrificial Offering System83
      1. Fatal Lack in Cain’s Bloodless Offering85
      2. Larger Involvements of Sin, Death, and Salvation86
   II. Unfolding Portrayal to Abraham Included Resurrection87
      1. Abraham’s Test of Faith in Gospel Provision88
      2. Provision of Resurrection Recognized by Patriarchs89
      3. Only the Dawn; Not Yet the Noontide90
   III. Two Ways to Glory—Translation and Resurrection92
      1. Enoch and Elijah Translated Without Dying93
      2. Moses’ Resurrection: First to Break Bonds of Death94
   IV. Annual Round of Tabernacle Services Typified Gospel Realities95
      1. Yearly Enactment of Plan of Redemption96
      2. Justice and Mercy Met in Type at the Ark97
      3. Sin and Righteousness, Death and Life, Portrayed97
      4. Penal Punishment Death Not Life Imprisonment98
      5. Sinner Incurred Doom of Death99
      6. Entire Sacrificial System Fulfilled in Christ99
      7. Christ Actually and Truly Died in Atonement100
      8. Death Penalty Under the Divine Law101
   V. Christ, Prophesied First Fruits, Rose on Precise Day101
      1. First Fruits a Fixed Part of Annual Service102
      2. “Every Man in His Own Order”102
      3. First Fruits Resurrection Fulfilled on Very Day of Type103
7. Eternal Destruction Is Decreed Doom of Wicked105
   I. Utter Destruction Ultimate Fate of Intractably Wicked105
      1. Scores of Old Testament Verbs Signify “Destroy”106
      2. Imposing Array of Literal English Equivalents106
      3. Galaxy of Figurative Expressions Support the Literal107
      4. Iterated and Reiterated in Key Chapters107
   II. Multiple Terms Signify Complete Destruction of Being108
   III. Eternal Torment No Part of Death Penalty111
      1. Torture No Part of Jewish Sacrificial Rite112
      2. Torture No Part of Mosaic Penal Code112
   IV. Eternal Destiny Revolves Around Intent of “Life” and “Death”113
      1. Life and Death—Keys That Unlock Inspired Intent113
      2. Platonic Perversion of Death as Perpetual Life113
      3. Innate-Immortality Postulate Reverses True Exegesis114
      4. Christ’s Death, Not Sufferings, Constituted Atoning Sacrifice114
      5. Destruction Not Eternal Torment the Punishment115
   V. Stock Objections Invoked Collapse Under Scrutiny115
      1. Isaiah 33:14—Contention Collapses Under Scrutiny115
      2. Isaiah 66:24—Carcasses, Undying Worm, Unquenchable Fire117
      3. Deprived of Life, Not Consigned to Misery119
      4. Daniel 12:2—Resurrections to Life and to Judgment120
      5. Conclusion: Contentions of Three Citations Collapse120
8. Prophetic Witness Concerning the “Last Things”122
   I. The Two Advents Focal Points of All Prophecy122
      1. Master Key to Man’s Destiny122
      2. Issues of Time and Eternity122
      3. Key to Divine Movements of the Ages123
      4. Only True Philosophy of History123
   II. Outline Prophecies Mark Out Highway of the Centuries125
      1. Continuity, Comprehensiveness, and Repetition125
      2. Destiny of World Powers of History Portrayed126
      3. Course of Empire Gives Way to God’s Kingdom127
      4. Now Living in “Time of End”127
      5. Sublimity of Revelation Surpasses Human Comprehension128
   III. Significance of “Day of Lord” and Cognate Terms131
      1. Transcendent “Day of the Lord”131
      2. Second Advent to Terminate “Latter Days”131
      3. Resurrection Is Climactic Feature of Advent132
      4. Eternal Restoration Is Reward of Righteous134
      5. Wicked to Receive Punitive Destruction134
   IV. Solemn Procession of Prophetic Witnesses Testify135
      1. Panoramic Survey of Old Testament Witnesses135
      2. Constant Succession of Eschatological Glimpses136
   V. Isaiah—Star Witness on Inspiration’s Witness Stand138
   VI. Major Results Spring From “Day of the Lord”140
      1. Scenes of Judgment Dominate Closing Portrayal140
      2. New Earth Becomes Eternal Home of Redeemed141
      3. Obliteration of Sin Eventuates in Clean Universe142
      4. Resurrection and Millennium Clarified in New Testament142
      5. Barren Condition of Earth During Millennium143
9. Technical Terms and Usages Preclude Innate Immortality145
   I. Must Understand Key Old Testament Terms Through Usage145
   II. Meaning of Nephesh in the Hebrew of the Old Testament146
      1. “Nephesh” Has Several Common Meanings146
      2. A General Definition of Nephesh147
      3. Basic Idea That of Individual Himself147
   III. Nephesh as Translated in the English Versions148
      1. English Translation Reveals Significant Facts148
      2. Interesting Variations in R.S.V150
      3. Problems Confront the Translators150
      4. Three Clear Conclusions Concerning “Nephesh”151
   IV. “Ruach” and “Neshamah” Have a Variety of Meanings152
      1. Context Must Indicate Best Translation152
      2. “Neshamah” and “Ruach” in Poetic Parallelism153
      3. The Life, Principle That God Imparts154
      4. “Ruach” Has No Separate Conscious Existence155
   V. Relation of “Spirit” or “Breath” to Life and Death155
      1. “Breath of Life” and “Spirit of God” the Cause of Life155
      2. Spirit Distinct From Life It Produces156
      3. Restoration of Spirit at Resurrection157
   VI. Fundamental Distinction Between Man and Beast158
      1. Immortality Not Conferred by Inbreathed “Breath”158
      2. Totally Different From Brute Creation158
10. Weak Arguments Formulate Unworthy Platform160
   I. “She’ol’s” Most Suitable Rendering Is “Gravedom”160
      1. Difficulty Created by Variant Translations160
      2. “Hell” a Wholly Unsuitable Translation161
      3. “Gravedom”—Most Suitable Rendering for “She’ol”162
      4. Suspension of Life in “She’ol” Awaiting Resurrection162
      5. Darkness of “She’ol” Dissipated by Light of Resurrection163
      6. “She’ol“: Place of Death, Not Life164
      7. “She’ol” and “Death” Are Frequently Synonymous164
   II. Origin of “Gehenna” (Ge Hinnom) Symbol of Final Destruction165
      1. Historical Background of “Gehenna”165
      2. Associated With Upsurge of Necromancy166
      3. Josiah Transforms Valley Into Refuse Pit167
   III. Three Supporting Citations Break Down Under Scrutiny168
      1. Recourse to Weak Arguments an Unworthy Procedure168
      2. Jonah Not Dead: So Case Is Dismissed169
   IV. Isaiah’s Parabolic Taunting Ode on King of Babylon170
      1. Personified Trees Rejoice Over Fallen Monarch171
      2. Paths of Glory Lead but to Grave172
   V. Ezekiel’s Parabolic Dirge Over Pharaoh of Egypt172
      1. “She’ol” Contrasted With State of Living173
      2. Parabolic Scourge Not Construed Literally173
   VI. Saul Deceived by Necromancy of Medium of Endor174
      1. Evil Spirits Personating the Dead175
      2. Saul’s Recourse to Forbidden Craft of Necromancy176
      3. Saul Deceived; Slain for His Transgressions177
      4. Crux of the Whole Portrayal177
      5. Cruel Hoax and Its Modern Counterpart179
      6. Grandeur of God’s Wondrous Provision179