The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1

II. Multiple Terms Signify Complete Destruction of Being

We here list alphabetically for reference some seventy variant expressions denoting the one thought of “destruction,” “perishing,” “consumption by fire,” “turning to ashes,” and “cessation of being,” as portraying the fate of the wicked. Note the impressive, cumulative array: CFF1 108.3

Ashes under soles of feet—Malachi 4:3. CFF1 108.4

Be as though they had not been—Obadiah 16; Job 20:9; Psalm 37:10. CFF1 108.5

Be no more—Psalm 104:35; Proverbs 10:25. CFF1 108.6

Become as nothing—Isaiah 41:11, 12. CFF1 108.7

Blossom go up as dust—Isaiah 5:20-24. CFF1 108.8

Blot out name forever—Psalm 9:5. CFF1 108.9

Blot out of existence—Deuteronomy 29:20; Psalm 69:28. CFF1 109.1

Break in pieces—Job 34:24; Psalm 2:9. CFF1 109.2

Bring down to pit of destruction—Psalm 55:23. CFF1 109.3

Burn like tow—Isaiah 1:31. CFF1 109.4

Burn them up—Malachi 4:1. CFF1 109.5

Burned up as cut thorns—Isaiah 33:12. CFF1 109.6

Candle of wicked put out—Job 21:17. CFF1 109.7

Cast down to destruction—Psalm 73:18. CFF1 109.8

Cast down, unable to rise—Psalm 36:12. CFF1 109.9

Cast off forever—1 Chronicles 28:9. CFF1 109.10

Chaff which wind drives away—Psalm 1:4. CFF1 109.11

Chased out of world—Job 18:18. CFF1 109.12

Consume—Psalm 59:13; Psalm 104:35; Isaiah 29:20. CFF1 109.13

Consume away into smoke—Psalm 37:20. CFF1 109.14

Consumed—Job 22:20. CFF1 109.15

Consumed out of the earth—Psalm 104:35. CFF1 109.16

Cut down like grass—Psalm 37:2. CFF1 109.17

Cut off—Psalm 37:9, 22, 28, 34; Psalm 94:23; Proverbs 2:22; Nahum 1:15. CFF1 109.18

Cut off remembrance from earth—Psalm 34:16. CFF1 109.19

Dash in pieces—Psalm 2:9. CFF1 109.20

Destroy—Psalm 145:20; Proverbs 13:13. CFF1 109.21

Destroyed forever—Psalm 52:5; Psalm 92:7. CFF1 109.22

Destroy utterly—Exodus 22:20; Psalm 21:10. CFF1 109.23

Devour—Psalm 50:3. CFF1 109.24

Devour as stubble—Nahum 1:10. CFF1 109.25

Die—Ezekiel 18:4, 20. CFF1 109.26

Dissolved—Psalm 75:3. CFF1 109.27

Driven away like chaff—Psalm 1:4. CFF1 109.28

Eaten up like garment—Isaiah 51:8. CFF1 109.29

Fire shall devour them—Psalm 21:9. CFF1 109.30

Lamp of wicked put out—Proverbs 13:9; Proverbs 24:20. CFF1 109.31

Leave neither root nor branch—Malachi 4:1. CFF1 109.32

Light of wicked be put out—Job 18:5. CFF1 109.33

Melt away as waters—Psalm 58:7. CFF1 109.34

Melt like wax—Psalm 68:2. CFF1 109.35

Name put out forever—Psalm 9:5. CFF1 109.36

Not be—Psalm 37:10; Proverbs 12:7. CFF1 109.37

Overthrown—Proverbs 12:7. CFF1 109.38

Perish—Psalm 37:20; Psalm 49:20; Isaiah 41:11, 12. CFF1 110.1

Perish forever—Job 20:7. CFF1 110.2

Pluck thee out—Psalm 52:5. CFF1 110.3

Put away like dross—Psalm 119:119. CFF1 110.4

Put out light—Job 18:5, 6. CFF1 110.5

Put out name forever—Psalm 9:5. CFF1 110.6

Put to death—Leviticus 27:29. CFF1 110.7

Quenched as fire of thorns—Psalm 118:12. CFF1 110.8

Quenched as tow—Isaiah 43:17. CFF1 110.9

Rain of fire and brimstone—Psalm 11:6. CFF1 110.10

Return to dust—Genesis 3:19; Psalm 104:29. CFF1 110.11

Root out—Psalm 52:5; Proverbs 2:22. CFF1 110.12

Roots dried up—Job 18:16. CFF1 110.13

Scattered—Psalm 92:9. CFF1 110.14

See him no more—Job 20:9. CFF1 110.15

Shall not be—Psalm 37:10. CFF1 110.16

Slay—Psalm 34:21; Psalm 62:3; Psalm 139:19; Isaiah 11:4. CFF1 110.17

Stubble ... taken away by whirlwind—Isaiah 40:24. CFF1 110.18

Swallow them up—Psalm 21:9. CFF1 110.19

Tear ... in pieces—Psalm 50:22. CFF1 110.20

Tread down—Psalm 60:12. CFF1 110.21

Turned into hell (she’ol, grave)—Psalm 9:17. CFF1 110.22

Utterly consumed—Psalm 37:20 (LXX Psalm 72:19). CFF1 110.23

Whirlwind passeth, wicked no more—Proverbs 10:25. CFF1 110.24

Wither as green herb—Psalm 37:2. CFF1 110.25

Such an array is overwhelming. But one conclusion can be drawn. CFF1 110.26

It is to be particularly noted that all these variant terms are simply an unfolding or expansion of the original penalty threatened in Eden—death, or returning to the dust (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:19). They simply indicate the mode of destruction and the results. Summarizing, these multiple terms fall under four general categories. Anglican Vicar R. S. Callander, of Gloucester, England, has accurately analyzed and summarized them as indicating: CFF1 110.27

(1) Death by fire, or burning, set forth as the designated MODE of final punishment 1 (Psalm 21:9; Malachi 4:1, 3; cf. Revelation 20:14, 15; Matthew 13:40, 42; Matthew 25:41, 46). CFF1 110.28

(2) Perishing as the RESULT of such punishment (Psalm 37:28; cf. 2 Peter 2:12John 3:14, 15).
(3) Death, or cessation of being, as the END of such punishment (Ezekiel 18:4, 20; Romans 6:23; Revelation 21:8).
(4) Utter destruction as the permanent EFFECT of such punishment (Psalm 55:23; Psalm 92:7; Psalm 145:20; cf. Matthew 7:13; Matthew 10:28).
CFF1 111.1

And in support of these conclusions the New Testament confirms, adds to, and gives precision—such as specifying the “second death,” of Revelation 20:6 and Revelation 21:8, by destruction in the lake of fire. CFF1 111.2