The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1


III. OT Texts and Terms Portraying “Day of the Lord”

Without injecting diverting comment we first present the remaining texts of the striking Old Testament witness in the sheer words of Scripture, that they may speak cumulatively for themselves, with key words or phrases emphasized—the term in capitals and small capitals and the description in italics. CFF1 396.1

SUMMARIZING: The “DAY OF THE LORD” will be a day of retribution, of humbling, of punishment, of destruction, of desolation, and of terror, with celestial phenomena as precursors twice mentioned; a day of the shaking of the heavens, of the removal of the earth, of darkness and wasteness, of the coming of God, of heart searching, of separation of the righteous from the wicked, and of the reward of the righteous. And it will be preceded by the coming of symbolic “Elijah the prophet.” Such is the multiple Old Testament description. It is a tremendous panorama of the day of God’s reckoning with defiant man. Its intent cannot be escaped. CFF1 396.2