The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church

The Written Word of God

All through the Scriptures of truth the revelation of the Most High is called “the word of God.” It is doubtless called such because it gives the record of what God “said.” God spoke His ten-commandment law with His own voice; later He wrote it with His own finger on tables of stone. When He gave His messages to His people He spoke again, but this time through His servants the prophets; they were used as His mouthpiece to convey His solemn appeals and warnings to their hearts. These prophets in many instances committed the sacred messages to writing, and it is our privilege today to read “in the volume of the book” these divine words that “were written aforetime ... for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4. BSPC 64.2

The term “word of God” applies not merely to one part of the Holy Bible but to every part of it. We read: BSPC 65.1

“The word of God includes the scriptures of the Old Testament as well as of the New. One is not complete without the other.”—Christ’s Object Lessons, 126. BSPC 65.2

In perusing the sacred pages one is impressed with the fact that much is said about this Divine Word. We might study with profit the texts in the following classifications: BSPC 65.3

1. What the Word of God Is Called. BSPC 65.4

Cross1 Corinthians 1:18PatienceRevelation 3:10
ExhortationHebrews 13:22PowerHebrews 1:3
FaithRomans 10:8PromiseRomans 9:9
GospelActs 15:7Prophecy2 Peter 1:19
GraceActs 20:32Reconciliation2 Corinthians 5:19
HolinessJeremiah 23:9RighteousnessHebrews 5:13
KingdomMatthew 13:19SalvationActs 13:26
Knowledge1 Corinthians 12:8TestimonyRevelation 12:11
LifePhilippians 2:16TruthColossians 1:5
OathHebrews 7:28Wisdom1 Corinthians 12:8

2. What the Word of God Is. BSPC 65.5

EngraftedJames 1:21Never failing1 Kings 8:56
EternalIsaiah 40:8PowerfulHebrews 4:12
FaithfulTitus 1:9PureProverbs 30:5
LivingHebrews 4:12Sure2 Peter 1:19

3. What the Word of God Does. BSPC 65.6

CleansesJohn 15:3QuickensPsalm 119:25
ComfortsPsalm 119:52Regenerates1 Peter 1:23
ConvertsPsalm 19:7SanctifiesJohn 17:17
EdifiesActs 20:32SatisfiesPsalm 119:103
HealsPsalm 107:20Saves from sinPsalm 119:11
IlluminatesPsalm 119:105StrengthensPsalm 119:28
ProtectsEphesians 6:17SustainsHebrews 1:3

4. What We Are to Do With the Word of God. BSPC 65.7

BelieveJohn 2:22Obey1 Samuel 15:22
EatPsalm 119:103PreachActs 8:4
Forget notPsalm 119:16ReceiveLuke 8:13
HearRomans 10:17Rejoice inPsalm 119:162
HidePsalm 119:11TasteHebrews 6:5
Long forPsalm 119:123TrustPsalm 119:42
LovePsalm 119:140UnderstandPsalm 119:27
Meditate onPsalm 119:15