The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church


Symbols Illustrating the Word of God

In order to make the truth plain to the hearts and minds of men, God has chosen to use various figures, or symbols, by which to bring home more forcefully the truths He seeks to reveal to human hearts. BSPC 7.2

The word of God is likened to: BSPC 7.3

BreadJohn 6:48, 58Milk1 Peter 2:2
ChainEarly Writings, 221MineTestimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 476
FireJeremiah 20:9MirrorJames 1:23, 25
FountainFundamentals of Christian Education, 393PearlsCounsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 456
GoldPsalm 19:10RockMount of Blessing, pp. 213, 216
HammerJeremiah 23:29SeedThe Desire of Ages, 192
HoneyPsalm 119:103SilverPsalm 12:6
LampPsalm 119:105SwordEphesians 6:17
LeavenChrist’s Object Lessons, 99WaterEphesians 5:26
LightChrist’s Object Lessons, 111, 406
MeatHebrews 5:12, 14