The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church

Enraptured With the Word of God

This is an experience the children of God may know as they enter into fellowship with Him. What the disciples experienced in their contact with Jesus on the road to Emmaus must have brought a wonderful revelation to their hearts. The new courage that came to them, the light that broke in on their darkness, led them to exclaim, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way?” Luke 24:32. The word used for “burn” in this passage is a general word used throughout the New Testament to indicate the thought of “burning.” It is used twelve times, eleven of which it is rendered by the word “burn” and once by the word “light.” It is the word used for the lights in the Temple, which not only shed light but to a certain degree gave warmth. It is used metaphorically of the glow of ecstasy in the human heart and of spiritual light that dawns upon the soul. BSPC 37.5

But what an expression, and how full of meaning! This is the only place in the Holy Scriptures where we find an expression just like this. Everything that light is when it shines in the darkness is involved—its satisfying warmth, its brilliance which reveals, enabling us to see that which before was hidden from our eyes. The disciples had read the Scriptures, but they did not understand them; they had pondered carefully the divine words, but they did not comprehend them. Now the light breaks in; the darkness is dispelled; that which was obscure now stands out in all its beauty and radiance. The things that had perplexed them are now clear and plain, and the realization of it all overwhelms them. The intensity of light causes a glow of fervent love to well up in a deep affection for Jesus, whom they now know without shadow of doubt to be the Messiah, the Sent of God. BSPC 37.6