The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church


Chapter 2—Christ and the Holy Scriptures

One cannot read the New Testament without a conviction that our Lord and Master had a high regard and a deep reverence for the word of God. It was on His lips continually; He referred to it at all times. It was the basis of all His teachings; He sought in every way to remove the traditional emphasis that had been placed upon it by the Pharisees of His day. BSPC 23.1

It has been said that in the New Testament there are about 280 quotations from the Old Testament and more than 350 allusions to the Sacred Writings. These quotations come from twenty five of the Old Testament books, and if we include the allusions, then references come from thirty-three of the books of the Sacred Writings. This means that thirty-three of the thirty-nine books are referred to in one way or another. These Old Testament references are represented in seventeen out of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. We are told that Jesus Himself quoted from no less than twenty-four of the Old Testament books, and that among them were quotations from or allusions to the five books of Moses, the book of Psalms, the prophecy of Isaiah, and the book of Daniel. Those who have carefully classified these references assure us that there are BSPC 23.2

66 references from the five books of Moses 36 references from the collection of the Psalm 40 references from the prophecy of Isaiah 22 references from the book of Daniel BSPC 23.3