The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church


Missionary Service Through the Church

The work of the church in its efforts to bring the message of salvation to lost men is twofold. According to the Savior’s commission, it is to “make” disciples; it is also to keep disciples. It is to seek for believers; it is also to shepherd believers. It is to win men to Christ; it is then to build men up in Christ Jesus the Lord. The one is vital; so also is the other. This was stressed clearly in the language of the Master Himself when He said: BSPC 187.1

“Go you therefore, and teach [“make disciples,” margin] all nations. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19, 20. BSPC 187.2

The work of salvation is a beautiful whole. On the one hand, it means gathering men and women from the world of sin; on the other, it means nurturing and instructing them in the principles of the kingdom of God. BSPC 187.3