The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church

The Purpose in All Our Preaching

Preaching is not merely giving information; neither is it merely to inspire a congregation. True preaching has a definite objective, and that is the saving of souls for Christ. This must never be lost sight of. In all our proclamation of the doctrines, in our interpretation of the prophecies, in our presentation of the various lines of truth peculiar to the Advent people, we must direct every message into the channel of winning souls to Christ our Lord and Master. BSPC 184.7

The concept of preaching and teaching in apostolic days meant bringing men and women into fellowship with Christ. The apostles were not satisfied merely with preaching or bearing their witness; they looked for and worked for results. This is seen in the use of the words “preaching” and “teaching” in several instances. Notice the words of the great commission: “Go you therefore, and teach all nations.” The marginal rendering and the rendering given by most of the translations, is to “make disciples, or, Christians, of all nations.” The apostles preached, but they preached with a definite objective; they preached to win men to God, and by divine help they won men and women to Christ Jesus. We see another instance in the book of Acts. Paul and Barnabas had been laboring in Derbe, and the Scriptures mention that they “preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many.” Acts 14:21. But the marginal reading is “had made many disciples.” This was the apostolic objective, and it should be our objective in the work today. BSPC 185.1

“Our greatest burden should be ... the salvation of souls.”—Testimonies for the Church 9:85. BSPC 185.2

“The conversion of souls to God is the greatest, the noblest work in which human beings can have a part.”—Testimonies for the Church 7:52. BSPC 185.3