In Defense of the Faith


The Cleansing Of the Sanctuary

Daniel 8:14 introduces us to a work called the cleansing of the sanctuary: “He said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” In Hebrews 9:6, 7, Paul mentions the fact that in the sanctuary service on earth the priests served daily in the first apartment, but that the high priest went into the second apartment only once each year. During the daily ministration in the first apartment the sins of the children of Israel accumulated in the sanctuary. The arrangement was that when one committed sin in the camp of Israel, he should bring a lamb or other sin offering, place his hands upon its head, and confess his sins over it. Thus the sins of the individual were in type transferred to the sacrifice. Then the animal was killed, and a portion of its blood put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering. The rest of the blood was poured out at the base of this altar, and the flesh was taken into the holy place of the sanctuary, where it was eaten by the priest. This service typified the transfer of the sin from the individual to the sanctuary, and thus the repentant sinner went away free. This slaying of the sacrifice prefigured the death of the Lamb of God, who was to be slain for the sins of the world. The bringing of sin offerings to the sanctuary continued for the whole year, until the tenth day of the seventh month. On that day the sanctuary was to be cleansed. DOF 284.3

The book of Leviticus, chapter 16, tells about the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary. Full details are given here as to what happened on that day. Two goats were brought before the priest, who was to cast lots on them, thus choosing one to be the Lord’s goat and the other Azazel’s. (Azazel is the enemy, or adversary.) In other words, one goat was to represent the Lord, and the other God’s adversary, Satan. When the lots were cast and the Lord’s goat was selected, it was slain, and the priest carried its blood into the sanctuary, beyond the second veil, into the most holy place. Verse 15 says that he was to sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat and before it, and this was to “make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation.” Verse 16. Thus this special service was a cleansing service. It was to accomplish the cleansing of the holy place from the sins of the people. DOF 285.1

This is further emphasized in verse 19, where we read: “He shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it.” The cleansing, then, was accomplished by the sprinkling of the blood. But from what does he cleanse it? “He shall cleanse it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.” Verse 19. So the cleansing of the sanctuary was a cleansing from sin. This is definitely established. It was not a cleansing from physical, but from spiritual defilement. DOF 286.1

If, as is argued by some, the cleansing of the sanctuary consisted only in the removal of idols brought into it when Israel was in apostasy, that could have been done with men’s hands. No blood would be necessary for such a work; but this cleansing of the sanctuary was accomplished with blood. “He shall sprinkle of the blood.... and cleanse it, and hallow it.” Now the priest could not have removed the idols out of the sanctuary by simply sprinkling blood on them. The only uncleanness that can be cleansed by blood is that of sin. Therefore the cleansing of the sanctuary that is brought to view here is a spiritual cleansing from the sins of the people which had been received there. DOF 286.2

The transfer, in figure, of the sins of the people went forward day after day during the entire year, until the Day of Atonement. Thus there was a constant accumulation of sins in the sanctuary, and by these sins it was defiled. For this reason the cleansing, or purging, of sin from the sanctuary became necessary. Thus the Lord said: DOF 286.3

“He [the high priest] shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness.” Leviticus 16:16. DOF 287.1