Joseph Wolff: A Bibliography
Primary Sources
A Mission to Bokhara. Edited by Guy Wint. (New York: 1969 [reprint of 1848 edition]), 254 pp. JWB 3.1
Dr. Wolff’s new Mission, being J. W.’s determination to set out again on a missionary tour in Armenia, and Yarkand in Chinese Tartary, etc. (London, 1860) (BL) JWB 3.2
The English Pulpit; Collection of Sermons by the Most Eminent Living Divines of England. (New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1861) pp. 148-154. (JRN) JWB 3.3
The Holy Bible: contaning the Old and New Testaments in the Arabic language (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Sarah Hodgson, 1811). (AHC) JWB 3.4
Joseph Wolff to the Jews of Alexandria. (London?, 1830?) pp. 8 (BL) JWB 3.5
Journal of ... J. W. for the year 1831. (London, 1832). (BL) JWB 3.6
Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, ... in a Series of Letters to Sir Thomas Baring, BART. Containing an Account of His Missionary Labours from the Years 1827 to 1835; and from the years 1835 to 1838. (London: James Burns, 1839), 402 pp. (AU, AHC, EGW) JWB 3.7
Letter addressed to the Citizens of Rome. (London, 1849). (BL) JWB 3.8
Missionary Journal and Memoir, of the Rev. Joseph Wolf, Missionary to the Jews. Written by Himself. Revised and edited by John Bayford, Esq. FSA (NY: E. Bliss and E. White, 1824), 332 pp. (AAS, AU, AHC, PSEM) JWB 3.9
Missionary Journal and Memoir, of the Rev. Joseph Wolf, Missionary to the Jews. Written by Himself. Revised and edited by John Bayford, Esq. FSA (London, Sold by J. Duncan [etc.] 1824), 332 pp. (AHC) JWB 3.10
Missionary Journal and Memoir, of the Rev. Joseph Wolf, Missionary to the Jews. Written by Himself. Revised and edited by John Bayford, Esq. FSA (London: J. Duncan [etc.], 1827), pp. 332. (AHC) JWB 3.11
Mystic Rationalism in Germany. The Life of Jesus Christ ... pourtrayed by Dr. August Neander; third ... edition ... reviewed ... by the Rev. Dr. Wolff ... as a warning to the Church of England. (London: J. Hatchard & Son, 1842) pp. 44. (BL) JWB 3.12
Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, In the Years 1843-1845, To Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. (NY: Harper & Brothers, 1845), pp. 384 (LLU, MWC, PU) JWB 3.13
Narrative of a mission to Bokhara, in the years 1843-1845, to ascertain the fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly; by the Rev. Joseph Wolff. (London: Pub. For the author, by J. W. Parker, 1845), 2 v. pp. n/a (PU). JWB 4.1
Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, In the Years 1843-1845, To Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. (London, Pub. for the author, by J.W. Parker, 1846), pp. 429. (AHC, LLU) JWB 4.2
Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, In the Years 1843-1845, To Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. (London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1848), pp 429. (AHC, PU) JWB 4.3
Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, In the Years 1843-1845, To Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. (William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1852), pp 346. JWB 4.4
No Convocation! A letter to the ... Bishop of Ripon, on Baptismal Regeneration, in connection with the Gorham question. (Taunton, 1850). (BL) JWB 4.5
The Promotion of Christianity amongst the Jews; the substance of two Speeches delivered by ... J. W.... Being a general outline of his missionary tour through Palestine, Egypt, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Turkey. (Bath, [1827]) JWB 4.6
Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other sects, by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, during his travels between the years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, the coast of Abyssinia and Yemen ... (London: Published by the author and sold by Mr. J. Nisbet, 1835), pp. 523. (AHC, EGW) JWB 4.7
Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects ... by ... J. W. during his travels between ... 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia ... Second edition. (London, 1835). (BL) JWB 4.8
Researches and Missionary Labours Among the Jews, Mohammedans, and Other Sects by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, During His Travels Between the Years 1831 and 1834, ... (Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1837), 338 pp. (AAS, AU, AHC, LLU, PSEM, PU) JWB 4.9
Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, D. D., LL.D. (London: Saunders, Otley, and Co., 1860-1861), 2 vol. 535 + 463 (plus final statement). (AHC*, EGW, LLU, MWC) JWB 4.10