Facts of Faith


Bible Prophecy Of Antichrist Is Plain

The prophecies of the Bible regarding Antichrist are so plain that even Roman Catholics cannot evade them all. The seventh chapter of Daniel foretells the rise of four world empires, which the Douay Bible explains to be “the Chaldean, Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires.” The Roman Empire was broken up into ten smaller kingdoms between the years 351 and 476 A. D. And among them there should grow up another power, symbolized by a “little horn.” Of this the Douay Bible says: “Another little horn. This is commonly understood of Antichrist.” Daniel 7:7, 8. The Papacy is the only power that came up just at that time, and which fits all the specifications of the symbol. FAFA 202.3

We have seen on page 195 how clearly the Papacy is pointed out in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7. This prophecy states that the apostolic church would be gradually “falling away” until a “man” would exalt himself to take the place of God in the church. This “mystery of iniquity” was already at work in Paul’s day, but something was holding it back. (Vs. 6, 7) As long as the Roman Empire was heathen, and persecuted the Christians, there was no incentive to join the church for worldly gain; but during the time of Constantine the church became popular, and the worldly ambitious struggled for the highest ecclesiastical offices, because of the great honor and emolument connected with them; and when finally the Roman State was abolished, the bishop of Rome seated himself upon the throne of the Caesars. It was therefore heathen Rome that had to “be taken out of the way,” before the papal Antichrist could come into power. Speaking of this point the Catholic Encyclopedia says: “The impediment is the Roman Empire; the main event impeded is the ‘man of sin.”’ - Vol. I, p. 560, art. “Antichrist.” FAFA 203.1

The Douay Bible says: “The Roman Empire.... was first to be destroyed, before the coming of Antichrist.” — Note on 2 Thessalonians 2:3. FAFA 203.2