Facts of Faith


The Mystery Of Iniquity

It is evident that the “mystery of iniquity” is a counterfeit of the “mystery of godliness,” or in other words, some human substitution for the divine plan of salvation, in which man would take the place of Christ, and human efforts would be substituted for the divine presence in the soul. And this is exactly what the Apostle Paul declared it to be, when he foretold that there would “come a falling away” of the apostolic church, and that in this fallen church there would arise “that man of sin, ... who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.... For the mystery of iniquity doth already work.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7. Speaking to the church he further says: “Ye are the temple of God.” 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17. This prophecy plainly shows that after the “falling away” of the early church some “man” would attempt to take Christ’s place in the church, which is God’s temple, or dwelling place. FAFA 195.1

The fulfillment of this prophecy is so clearly seen in the history of the Papacy that God’s people have always recognized it whenever they have been spiritually awake. Every well-read person knows that the early Christian church fell away from its apostolic purity and corrupted its doctrines by adopting heathen customs, baptizing them with Christian names, so that the church entirely changed its face within four hundred years after the apostles’ death. The “mysteries of Mithras” were substituted for the “mystery of godliness”; “the sacrifice of the mass” took the place of the sacrifice made on the cross; righteousness gained by self-torture and human effort took the place of Christ’s righteousness received by simple faith in Jesus as a personal Saviour; receiving a sacramental Christ by eating the wafer took the place of an indwelling Christ received by faith in God’s promises; a multitude of human mediators were substituted for Christ, the “one mediator between God and man.” 1 Timothy 2:5. We shall enter more fully into the details of this in the following chapters. FAFA 195.2