A Review of “Our Authorized Bible Vindicated,” by B. G. Wilkinson


Thrusts Odium Upon Users of A.R.V

The significant question is asked, “Can we escape His (God’s) condemnation, if we choose to exalt any version containing proved corruptions?” (p. 250). The implication of divine disapproval is thus placed upon all who use the A.R.V. and this in spite of the fact that the A.V. contains imperfections according to the author’s own admission (p. 180). This condemnation must logically include Sister White, for she frequently used the Revised. RABV 6.1

Such a thrust places an intolerable odium upon anyone who desires to quote publicly from the A.R.V. A trustful laity, accepting such a premise largely on the basis of confidence in the minister presenting it, is led to look askance at anyone who might desire to use the Revised. Our laity should be protected from such imposition. RABV 6.2

The contention is made by the author in numerous places that the renderings of the A.R.V. distort or destroy the force of certain of our cherished fundamental doctrines. But the allegation collapses under the simple fact that many of our most effective and fruitful preachers and teachers use the A.R.V. to present those very truths forcefully and effectually, and neither preacher nor hearer finds any difficulty in coming to identical conclusions with the users of the King James. RABV 6.3

Where the contention of the book is accepted, it must obviously become the arbitrary test of a man’s “orthodoxy” and spiritual discernment, and consequently of his fitness to minister or to administer—and all in contravention to the clear operating principles of our highest executive body, and of our general denominational practice. The principle is far-reaching. Where this premise is received it becomes a determining factor in the selection of men for responsibility in ministerial lines. But a leader who makes this the test of acceptability thereby attempts to establish a test that is not accepted by this people. Such a platform would split our forces into two camps at the very tine when unity is imperative in meeting a hostile world, as well as the onslaughts of apostate enemies. RABV 6.4